pure drive cortex(sluggish) compared to pure drive team??


Tried out the pd drive with cortex. It felt a little bit sluggish. At least it felt much more sluggish then my apdc.
Now i can buy a pd without the cortex for cheap but if it doesn't move quicker through the air then the pure drive with cortex i won't buy it.
Who played or has both versions with and without cortex and what about the differences especially the maneuverability.


I have both, the non cortex moves faster, it's because it has a lower swingweight

So would you recommend staying with the PD team non cortex?
I'm thinking of getting the cortex.

swingweight: 323 (PD n-cortex) vs 325 (PD-Cortex) , is this a big difference?
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comparing the aeropro cortex with pd cortex the aeropro swung much easier even though it has the same swingweight