Question about lobs and high bounce balls


My first question is, how should I use a regular (not topspin, not confident enough to use it in matches yet) lob against someone? My lobs when I lob are usually out or they're going to bounce in no man's land but my opponent has enough height to overhead smash it back at me... Does that mean I should start using tactics to lure the person to the net and then lob it over like I would against a pusher?... Or should I just practice lobs more?

My second question is... There is a person with a height advantage against me who makes balls for me very hard to get because the topspin he puts on it makes it shoulder height or head height (which height advantage can also not be a factor for)... So since I drive more than I topspin, he uses my power and spins it back at me so I have to jump to hit it but as a forehand and not an overhead... If I slice, he would do the same but he would exert more force... What's the best way to go about this?...

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In hitting any return, you should always have some plan in mind as to where/why you are placing it where you do.

In addition to that, you should try to hit the the best shot that you are able to under the circumstances. So, if you have an uncertain lob, I would limit its use to desperation times when you are completely at a loss and cannot hit any other shot.

In the mean time you should work on your lob. Yes, practice hittiing lobs. There are various ways you can do this. The easiest way would be to have someone feed you balls and you just practice hitting them up and deep.

When you become more proficient/confident you can invent drills. The partner can come in to the net for a volley and you lob over his/her head. You can vary this by sometimes going for a passing shot, instead.

Next step, introduce your new lobbing skills into your game choices.
