Racket Matching Service Issue


New User
Hi TW,
I requested racket matching service from TWE in order to buy a Head Speed Pro 2022 and I got a very curious list of specs back;
The weight and the balance of all 6 rackets are very close to advertised but the swingweight and stiffness are very off for all 6 rackets. Swingweight is around 290 for all of them and stiffness is 65-66 which is even more curious than swingweight.
I wrote back asking if there's a mistake but I'm being told there's not one by the Customer Service Representative.
It still doesn't make sense to me that both SW and Stiffness are that off and that consistent for all 6 rackets so I thought you guys might be able to help.


They are unstrung. What numbers were you looking for in the SW? Stiffness is also unchangeable but will decrease 2-3 when strung.


New User
Yea I thought that might be the case with swingweight. So I can calculate how much it is when strung. However I still have no answers as to how the stiffness is 4 points higher than it should be accross the board.
Afaik there's a big difference between 62 and 66 stiffness and comfort is one of the main reasons why I'm buying this racket.


New User
Stiffness is plus or minus 5 with all rackets from all manufacturers.
I understand. What surprises me is that all 6 rackets they sampled are 66 or 65 in stiffness (3-4 points higher).
If this is true then they are as stiff as Babolat Pure Strike

TW Staff

Like the others mentioned, TWE gave you the unstrung specs. The specs shown on the product page are an average of 3-5 racquets strung. Industry standards are around +/- 3 points for stiffness and +/- 10 points for swingweight.

Swingweight will increase around 30 ish points when strung so the racquets spec'd out are around 320ish
Stiffness will decrease 2-3 points when strung so the racquets you spec'd are around 62-64 strung

Hope that helps.

Brittany, TW


New User
Hi Brittany,

That makes a lot of sense thank you very much!
I decided to order 2 now thanks to your clarification.

I imagine similar questions are raised by customers such as myself often enough with regards to the racket matching service so it would be great if the customer service reps had the basic knowledge as well. I tried to explain that it didn't make sense for swing weight to be that far off when the weight and balance were so spot on but didn't get a response to my inquiry. Anyway it's also my lack of physics knowledge to blame I guess :)