Rain: why not cover hard courts?


I've wondered this for some time.....

Why when the rain comes don't they cover hardcourts?

When the rain stops, they get out the rollers, then they get out the towels, then they get out the blowers......

.....it takes 45 minutes or so.

Why not pull out a cover and prevent that much water you have to remove?

Is this to prevent an "unevenly moist" surface upon the end of rain?

Do the covers not cover all of the playing surface and there would be trails of water?

Then, sometimes it rains again and the cycle begins again........

In these multi-million dollar events there has to be a better solution than getting a bunch of volunteers on their hands and knees and a bunch with a bunch of white towels to soak up the rain......


The USTA claims they can dry the courts at the US Open in 18 minutes after rain stops. I don't know if that's true. If you could get a tarp over the courts as soon as rain starts, your suggestion could work.