Replacement for Yonex RD 10 Power

Golden Retriever

Hall of Fame
I have bought a Yonex RD 10 Power recently. Awesome stick. This stick totally transformed my game. My forehand has definately gone up a level with this stick. Unfortunately thats was the last one in the shop. Is there a current stick that could replace the Yonex RD 10 Power? Same kind of headsize, flex, weight and feel?
If I were to buy another Yonex, which one should I buy? Yonex doesn't have 95 in. (RD 10 is 95 in.)headsize anymore. The closest would be 90 in. or 98 in. Which one plays closer to 95 in.? 90 or 98?
Thanks in advance.
GR, you made my day - I just love that racquet!

Unfortunately, I also did not find any other Yonex racquet that plays like the RD-10. I have heard that the RD Power 7 is close, but I haven't used it. Anyway, like all good racquets of yore, this too is out of production...

You might find the Pure Control Plus racquets (which are pretty hefty) mildly similar to (but not quite like) the RD-10. I think though you will be better off putting an ad in the "Wanted" section for used RD-10 racquets. I stocked up with a couple of extras that way. Good luck!

Golden Retriever

Hall of Fame
Do you think the Yonex RDX 300 is a good candidate for replacement? What about the Yonex RDX 500 mid or midplus? Actually I think the Head Instinct could be close too.
I don't think the stock form of the racquets you have mentioned will be anything close to the RD-10. The RDX-300 might be customizable, though. You may have to add an ounce of lead tape to it, half of it distributed around the head, and the other half at the top of the handle. This is just a wild guess, since I'm no expert on customization!

You could demo these racquets to see how they feel and take it up from there.