Serving down the ad court, and how I serve

Power Game

I have a friend (right handed) who wants to learn how serve down the T from the ad court and have the ball spinning away from the opponent. How do I explain this? I don't know what I do when I hit this serve, I just kind of toss the ball up, aim and hit. Any tips on how to teach this would be greatly appreciated.

Mahboob Khan

Hall of Fame
Serving up the T in the ad court:

-- Stand closer to the center service mark,

-- Blend an element of slice (hitting the outside of the ball) causing the ball to spin to its left and wide to the receiver's forehand.

-- Pull him wide to his forehand (ad court) and then go behind him via insideout forehand, BH cross court, or forehand down the line.

-- Winner is effective when it is hit against the momentum of an opponent!

With practice you will get it right because you have to discover the right amount of side spin. With excessive slice, the ball will land in the deuce court!


This is my favorite serve. If I can get it going, I will use it as my 2nd serve instead of kicker.

Toss out into the court, and basically hit a slice serve.
So if the ball was a face, you will be cutting off its right ear.
Relax your grip, and body, and followthrough strong.


-Stand closer to the Center
-Toss the ball at 1 o 'clock to hit it with a slice serve so it can slice away from the opponenent
-On the Follow through you want your shoulders to be square so the direction goes straight.