So old polyester is a low tension and low power string.



OK so polyester looses tension fairly quick

But as it looses tension it actually returns LESS energy to the ball!

So an old polyester is a low tension and low power string.

The interesting bit is the graph about 1/3 to ½ way down the article energy return with number of hits and this energy return declines with number of hits .

The only caveat is this was done with a hammer, in reality although the lower tension means less energy return by the strings BUT longer dwell time by the ball which will deform the ball less and more % of the incoming energy will go to the strings so the options are:

1 – As polyester ages string tension drops but your racquet becomes more powerful
2 - As polyester ages string tension drops but your racquet has no change in power
3 – As polyester ages string tension drops and your racquet becomes less powerful



New User
im a bit confused but what i think you are trying to get is that fact that old school polys lose power when they lose tension. what i think occurs is that instead of losing tension and increasing in power, old school polys lose tension and go dead which results in a loss of power, feel and an increase in elbow tenderness. 3


Well the string looses power but due to the lower tension the ball compresses less so overall the power could go up/down/stay the same..

Do people think old poly is more/less powerful?


Any time I've tried to use full poly more than 3 or 4 weeks I find I can't control it consistently. Gut/poly hybrids don't seem to have the same effect. I seem to be able to play the hybrid until the gut brakes. Poly/multi seem to play well for a long time also.
Not sure if it's a mental thing or what, just can't do the full poly for long.


Bionic Poster
I have STBite16 on one of my racket's for a year and 4 months now, and it plays just fine. I also have another control racket of the same model, strings, and tension, which is used for less than 3 hours of court play. The main racket has well over 90 hours.
I like the lower tension. Starting at 47, I hoped it would drop to around 43 or so, and it probably has.
The newer strings feel LOOSER, because it hasn't lost it's elasticity yet.
But both serve about the same, and feel about the same.