Stringing Instruction for Head MicroGel Prestige Pro


I am looking for a stringing instruction for the Head MicroGel Prestige Pro tennis frame. It is the 98 sq. in. head, 16x19 string pattern. For some reason, I could not locate this frame on the Head web site's stringing instructions. Two piece instruction preferred. Thanks


Hall of Fame
Oh, nevermind.
You should just do a 1 piece.
Measure out the short side and than tie off, take your long side and finish off the job by doing your crosses and than tie off.
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Hall of Fame
All the HEAD MicroGel racquets are very easy to string--you don't really need instructions. Tie off holes for mains and crosses are clearly labeled as are the main strings (with little dots) so you know which holes to skip. As for the Prestige Pro when using a 2-piece job skip T8 and H8 (notice the dots at T9 and H9) and tie off the mains at the top where marked, start the crosses by tying them off at the top where marked then tie off at the bottom where it says 'tie off main'. There is no 'tie off cross' on the bottom because as stated by the poster above the Prestige Pro can be strung 1-piece so the tie off will work for either main or cross strings (although I don't have my PP's strung 1-piece).
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Hall of Fame
Man those new MicroGel sticks are a sinch to string - the holes are all labeled and everything. What's holding you up about it?


JW10S, Thanks for the information.

jamauss, I have not seen the frame yet. A junior that I string for told me he was going to purchase some this weekend and I was checking for the pattern and it was not on Head's site. I am comfortable in diagnosing patterns, but my structural component likes to see what the manufacturer suggests as well. Sometimes one is suprised to find errors in the published pattern.

Sounds like this should be straight forward. Thanks again.


Hall of Fame
gotwheels - there is a PDF on the head website somewhere with all the stringing instructions for their racquets. If you can't find it let me know and I'll dig up the link for you.


jamauss, I had looked at Head's PDF stringing instruction document - the MicrGel Prestige Pro MidPlus is not listed and the document is poorly constructed, unfriendly. The old PDF spreadsheet was simpler and very efficient. I guess we are a society that requires pictures instead of the old school, simple format and terminology.

JW10S, You are correct that the MicroGel Prestige Pro MidPlus is a nice frame to string - very straightforward with the tie off grommets nicely positioned, better than most manufacturers/other frames. I have not hit the frame, but I like the specs. Thanks for the help.

Head MicroGel Prestige Pro MidPlus Stringing Instruction:
Mains start at the Head.
Mains skip 8H, 8T.
Mains tie at 7H (two piece)
Crosses start 8H, end 8T.
Crosses tie at 6H, 7T.
Mains 18', Crosses 16.5'.