Tennis Court Construction


New User
Does anyone have an approximate idea what it would cost for a tennis facility that would have 8 hard courts, fencing, lights, with a possible building that would serve as a meeting space/storage. Any information would be appreciated.


Asphalt courts will run at lest $50,000 each. Post tension concrete courts at lest $100,000 each. If you are looking at getting a small 8 court club together you'll need a couple million from investors.



Bionic Poster
In the old days, $10,000 was required for ONE court.
So add inflation to $15,000, time 8s at a discount of $7,000 per, clubhouse maybe $75,000 ( assuming you want restrooms, showers, small shop, some food and drinks, you're in well over $120,000.


If someone is seriously looking into building a small facility I'd suggest seeking out an up-and-coming area with a few subdivisions upper class homes with nearby interstate access, etc. Also, approaching property owners' associations that includes several thousand homes. I would start with 5-6 courts and a building. 5-6 courts allows for Team Tennis, good size leagues and plenty of room for group lessons and multiple simultaneous programming.
