The Perfect Racquet! I thought This Was Funny.


ok everyone the reason i made this thread is to be funny,there was a thread with someone who put a list of Funny demands to find a racquet because he was frustrated.

its really Funny

here is the thread:

i thought it was pretty funny, so i left this post for people who are frustrated (which is pretty much everyone) which i thought was pretty funny, and i wanted to share it with everyone:

its never the racquet,its always us.if you ask everyone in the forum they will tell you "its not the racquet"we just always think it is,now with your list of demands,the only way you will get that kind of racquet,is if you call head or wilson or babolat or prince and ask them to design it for you,then tell them you want to pay less than a hundred for it.Then call me up and i will buy 10 of them."pretty much not gonna happen" you need to demo some racquets,pick the one that you are the most comfortable with, and stick with it,there is no perfect racquet. trust me just stick with it and your game will catch up

nothing is perfect

welcome to the perfect U.S.A.,in perfect everyone is a champion,racquets are cheap,everyone always wins championships,manufactureres always build you the racquet you want,here everything is perfect.

ofcourse We Dont live anywhere near perfect so theres TennisWarehouse and A demo program, Open 24 hours.7 days a week

Man I Wish we lived in perfect. then we would be at Wimbledon tomorrow instead of work.

ok back to reality
1.look at about 5 racquets under 100 you can afford
2. Demo them the one you like
4.stick with it stop changing and practice,practice,practice, and stick with the racquet dont change and dont get frustrated
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ok everyone the reason i made this thread is to be funny,there was a thread with someone who put a list of Funny demands to find a racquet because he was frustrated.

its really Funny

here is the thread:

i thought it was pretty funny, so i left this post for people who are frustrated (which is pretty much everyone) which i thought was pretty funny, and i wanted to share it with everyone:

its never the racquet,its always us.if you ask everyone in the forum they will tell you "its not the racquet"we just always think it is,now with your list of demands,the only way you will get that kind of racquet,is if you call head or wilson or babolat or prince and ask them to design it for you,then tell them you want to pay less than a hundred for it.Then call me up and i will buy 10 of them."pretty much not gonna happen" you need to demo some racquets,pick the one that you are the most comfortable with, and stick with it,there is no perfect racquet. trust me just stick with it and your game will catch up

nothing is perfect

welcome to the perfect U.S.A.,in perfect everyone is a champion,racquets are cheap,everyone always wins championships,manufactureres always build you the racquet you want,here everything is perfect.

ofcourse We Dont live anywhere near perfect so theres TennisWarehouse and A demo program, Open 24 hours.7 days a week

Man I Wish we lived in perfect. then we would be at Wimbledon tomorrow instead of work.

ok back to reality
1.look at about 5 racquets under 100 you can afford
2. Demo them the one you like
4.stick with it stop changing and practice,practice,practice, and stick with the racquet dont change and dont get frustrated

I don't mean to be a jerk, but your grammar is atrocious.

Matty G

ok everyone the reason i made this thread is to be funny,there was a thread with someone who put a list of Funny demands to find a racquet because he was frustrated.

its really Funny

here is the thread:

i thought it was pretty funny, so i left this post for people who are frustrated (which is pretty much everyone) which i thought was pretty funny, and i wanted to share it with everyone:

its never the racquet,its always us.if you ask everyone in the forum they will tell you "its not the racquet"we just always think it is,now with your list of demands,the only way you will get that kind of racquet,is if you call head or wilson or babolat or prince and ask them to design it for you,then tell them you want to pay less than a hundred for it.Then call me up and i will buy 10 of them."pretty much not gonna happen" you need to demo some racquets,pick the one that you are the most comfortable with, and stick with it,there is no perfect racquet. trust me just stick with it and your game will catch up

nothing is perfect

welcome to the perfect U.S.A.,in perfect everyone is a champion,racquets are cheap,everyone always wins championships,manufactureres always build you the racquet you want,here everything is perfect.

ofcourse We Dont live anywhere near perfect so theres TennisWarehouse and A demo program, Open 24 hours.7 days a week

Man I Wish we lived in perfect. then we would be at Wimbledon tomorrow instead of work.

ok back to reality
1.look at about 5 racquets under 100 you can afford
2. Demo them the one you like
4.stick with it stop changing and practice,practice,practice, and stick with the racquet dont change and dont get frustrated

I find that quite funny coming from you . What happend to your radicals then pog and now donnay . All in the last month if i racall right and now i just read in the string section you looking for new strings.


New User
I find that quite funny coming from you . What happend to your radicals then pog and now donnay . All in the last month if i racall right and now i just read in the string section you looking for new strings.

If that's true then... uh-oh someone's been a hypocrite!