Tokyo Subway Cult Attackers Executed


Bionic Poster
I am pretty sure that 'containment', which is what you are referring to, will see his sentence indefinitely extended for the term of his natural life or near enough.

You can get the equivalent of 'containment' in some jurisdictions without even killing anyone just by running around prison issuing terror threats to all who will listen.

No one wanted to plead insanity at one point because it meant indefinite incarceration, and this has actually been re-introduced to deal with unreprentant and threatening criminals.

Most Norwegians prefer this route over capital punishment obviously and they are not alone.

He was actually sentenced to 21 years (of which he may not have to serve more than 10) which is the usual maximum for any crime in Norway. His sentence can only be extended if he gives evidence while in prison of still being a threat to others.