TW Staff: Donnay

127 mph

Just wondering how many of the Donnay Pro One Oversizes did you get made (total and by grip size)?? As well haw many are remaining in a 4 3/8ths grip. I see it says 5+ but wondering how many that truly is.

I will ask one more time any chance of a Yellow and Blue version???

Thanks in advance

TW Staff

Can't really divulge that information, but let's just say, we have enough to cover you.

Jason, TW


Hall of Fame
and the answer to the yellow and blue portion of the question is?????? :twisted:

i got up Christmas morning and discovered there wasn't one under my tree. now i know that i had been very good last year so i know that the only reason i didn't get one is because they aren't in production yet.

i know that there are a number of ppl who feel the original yellow/ blue version of the pro one was inferior to the ltd ed (orange/ grey et al) version, but the most common complaint posted about your frame in the racquet reviews you post here on your site is the paint job. maybe these ppl would find the yellow/ blue paintjob a bit more appealing. i know i would! you've read the reviews and you've demoed the frame yourselves so you should know that you've got a pretty good frame on your hands! now if we could only convince you to paint a couple of them yellow and blue......

thanks for your time and your efforts!
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you see there, tw, yellow and blue will in fact make "green"!!!!


Hi Vandre,

Haven't you and I covered this somewhere before . . . ?

Hey TW, I'm still here, still askin', and not gonna give up. Yellow & Blue is the future. Yellow & Blue is where it's at. You know it makes sense. If you don't give us what we want then I may be forced to slap you around the legs with a wet nettle and then I might tidy your room for you and any old toys will be put in a rubbish bag, ('garbage sack' - for all my American friends).
I'll be like that bloke that Tim Robbins plays in Shawshank. I'll send a letter a week until you give in and do a yellow/blue.


Hall of Fame
^^^^sure seems like we have, Nickj! :twisted:

i understand your position, tw, but i will keep bumping this thread because both i and my esteemed collegue, Nickj, believe that you could make a crazy insane $$$$$$$$ if you offered the donnay pro 1 os reissue in yellow and blue!!!!