varsity decided on what grade your in?


New User
When i tried out today as a freshman in my school, i was expecting to have a round robin or something to see who's in varsity or not but then the coach was like making every freshman go in junior varsity. Mostly the people who already played last year and is good and seniors get to be in varsity without try outs. It makes me mad because I feel im being placed in a level where my other junior varsity members cant even get the ball past the net consistently. (our hs team isnt big on tennis so junior varsity is like for absolute beginners and is no cut).
Does your school decide who's in varsity without tryouts? It seems like my coach doesnt even pay attention to the junior varsity people.


Hall of Fame
my school is flexible about this, although seniors cannot try out for JV. However, even seniors can be cut from varsity, junior varsity also cuts a lot of people, and there are 2 freshmen on the varsity at my school


file a written complaint, with your parents, to the school's athletic dept & Principal. Also, check the state laws for sports teams. They can lose federal funding for crap like this.


At this point it's a bit premature to file a complaint to the athletic director or the administration. Putting all of the freshmen together is a good starting point because it's easier to see who stands out from the rest. I used to coach HS and I can tell you that the vast majority of the freshmen we get have been beginners. I even remember one kid trying out in jeans. I don't have to tell you how serious I think he is about playing or how long he lasted on the team. So, imagine having me prepare a round robin tournament where I have my varsity players are playing a bunch of beginners. Instead of having the varsity guys work on certain areas to prepare for the season, they're beating up on JV players 6-0 or 6-1. That would be a waste of time for everyone. If you're as good as you say you are, then a good coach will notice you in short time and group you with the varsity players. I know a few instances where I moved up a JV player to varsity because he/she improved during the season or was just simply better. If you're a few matches into the season and you're still on JV, then I would speak with your coach. Then if nothing has happened after that, I would probably take it up with the AD. Remember, just because you're on JV the first day doesn't mean that you will stay there for the rest of the season.