What causes this kind of wear?

All of my old tennis shoes have the same spots worn out- the big toe area of my left foot, and all along the left side. A pair of those Silver Yonex shoes lasted me half a year until a hole emerged in the left shoe.

Is half a year a decent lifespan for a pair of tennis shoes? Can anyone recommend me a durable pair of shoes and what is causing this particular wear pattern?? I am a right hander if that helps.



How many hours per week do you play on average? Remember that the cushioning of your shoes breaks down with time. If someone watches your footwork they can tell you when you over pronate onto your left big toe.
I play 60/40 clay - hard and I feel that @ 80 to 100 court hours I need to change.
I play at least 5 hours a week.. maybe up to as many as 10 hours. Probably 80% hard, 20% synthetic grass.

Actually yeah I am classified as an overpronater when I run, so maybe that is all that's causing it. I must excessively pronate only on my left side.

BTW what is 'toe drag'? I thought this phenomenon might be the culprit.

Thanks for the reply PBODY99.


Hall of Fame
Toe drag commonly occurs when you are dragging your right foot across the baseline during your follow through on serve.

I just purchased some K swiss surpass omni (red)- which are 100% leather and have high abrasion toe wrap.


All the wear on my tennis shoes are on my left big toe too. What gugafanatic said its because you drag your toe. I know I drag my left toe a lot.