What's goes into recommending string tension for a racquet?


I have a ProKennex BA93 and its suggested tension range is 55-68 lbs. Compared to the KBlade 93 of 50-60 lbs and the Gamma 340x of 53-63 lbs., the PK is on the high end.

I strung my racquet at 60 lbs with a multi/syn hybrid, trying to be a bit lower than mid tension. Playing with it, I thought this was way too tight. I'll be stringing it at 55 lbs next time to stay in the recommended range.

Still, after looking at other similar spec'd racquets I can't help but think 55 lbs may be mid-tension as well (I will still try it first). I know I can string lower than 55 if I think it is too tight, but am I heading into a much different hitting experience? I've seen the strung at low tension threads but I'd rather not experiment too much.

So...is string down to 53 lbs or even 50 lbs like the Kblade or Gamma recommended lower end unreasonable and entering the realm of extreme experimentation?


The first time I got the BA93 I strung it up at mid tension - 62 lbs - with full 17G syn job.

The result? Wayyyyyy too tight to play comfortably.

I then had it strung with 17G full syn at 55 lbs and it's all well and good. Lower than that I don't know. But as the string has "stretched" over a very long period (8 months?), I find that, for me, it's not good now.