Word of the day


Bionic Poster
Having a stone, sharp, possibly irritating smell or taste- like onions, garlic, peppers.

An expert in some area or fields, called upon to pontificate on som subject matter- technology, politics, medicine, science, and so on. It it derived from a Hindi word (pandit) for a sage-like person.
Whenever I pass by Punjab restaurant my olfactory senses are stabbed by the pungent aromas of the garlic and onions they prepare as part of building their curries for a loyal clientele that have made their dining establishment a great success.


Things aren't' always what they seem.

A misnomer is a "wrong" or confusing, or inaccurate name applied to something.

Great Dane (dog)- did not originate in Denmark, but from Germany.

Electric eel- yes they can generate 600 volts of current, but they are not eels. More closely related to the knifefish.

Mountain goats- inhabit the mountains, but the are antelopes.

French fries originated in Belgium.

Titmouse- is a bird.

Fireflies- they do fly, but they are beetles (not flies).

Boston cream pie- is from Boston, but is not a pie. It's a cake.

Jelly fish and star fish- are not fish.

The horned toad- is a lizard.

Head cheese- is not cheese. Better not to know what it is.

French horns- really from Germany,

Panama hats- from Ecuador.

Any more?


Bionic Poster
Things aren't' always what they seem.

A misnomer is a "wrong" or confusing, or inaccurate name applied to something.

Great Dane (dog)- did not originate in Denmark, but from Germany.

Electric eel- yes they can generate 600 volts of current, but they are not eels. More closely related to the knifefish.

Mountain goats- inhabit the mountains, but the are antelopes.

French fries originated in Belgium.

Titmouse- is a bird.

Fireflies- they do fly, but they are beetles (not flies).

Boston cream pie- is from Boston, but is not a pie. It's a cake.

Jelly fish and star fish- are not fish.

The horned toad- is a lizard.

Head cheese- is not cheese. Better not to know what it is.

French horns- really from Germany,

Panama hats- from Ecuador.

Any more?
Canadian doubles probably didn’t originate in the Great White North. I’m wondering if up there they call it American doubles???

Whenever I’ve played it I didn’t refer to it as Australian doubles even though we were following the Down Under rules by rotating every five points so each player in the trio could get some singles action.


Gloomy, sad and serious, melancholy, mournful, doleful, dismal.
Lately he spent his days listening to lugubrious music, eating Cheetos and drinking rum punch.

Lugubrious music example:

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A person becomes jaded, worn out, wearied, calloused, cynical from experience, dulled enervated though overindulgence,
satiation, tired, drained of energy or vitality, devitalized.

Sort of like-



Tripartite motto

These are all terms that relate to a concept in writing
and art known as the rule of three-
Which reflects a natural inclination to group things in threes.

Three wishes,
Three bears,
Three wise monkeys,

Friends, Romans, Countrymen,
Wine, women and song,
Truth, justice, and the American way,

Veni, Vidi, vici,
Liberty Equality, Fraternity
Duty, Honor, Country,

Those are a just few examples of the concept(s), but
It is worth looking into further.


Basically means hairy.
Other words along the same line are-

The word "hairy" can also mean risky and dangerous- like a hair-raising experience.
Unsafe, scary, uncertain, ticklish and difficult.


Chaos- complete disorder and confusion

Pandemonium- residence of demons/devils, loud and disorderly

Bedlam- madness, uproar, confusion- from Bethlem Royal hospital (asylum).

Mayhem- violent damaging disorder, disarray.

Chaos theory- is a kind of misnomer.
Look up above to find examples of misnomers.
It's not really about chaos at all, since it accepts the concept of determination.
It really, just means that some things are too complex to be predictable.

The butterfly effect- is part of the overall concept of chaos theory,
meaning that small, seemingly insignificant events can create large unpredictable



Bionic Poster
Chaos- complete disorder and confusion

Pandemonium- residence of demons/devils, loud and disorderly

Bedlam- madness, uproar, confusion- from Bethlem Royal hospital (asylum).

Mayhem- violent damaging disorder, disarray.

Chaos theory- is a kind of misnomer.
Look up above to find examples of misnomers.
It's not really about chaos at all, since it accepts the concept of determination.
It really, just means that some things are too complex to be predictable.

The butterfly effect- is part of the overall concept of chaos theory,
meaning that small, seemingly insignificant events can create large unpredictable

Just as 007 Bond had to have a villainous organization to contend with (SPECTRE) so to did Buck Henry/Mel Brooks’ super agent Maxwell Smart need the evil counterparts working for KAOS.


Just as 007 Bond had to have a villainous organization to contend with (SPECTRE) so to did Buck Henry/Mel Brooks’ super agent Maxwell Smart need the evil counterparts working for KAOS.

Thanks, I forgot all about Khaos (or chaos) first of all the Greek gods- a primordial god from which everything
else evolved inclucing Gaia (Earth), Tartaros (Underworld), and Eros (procreation).


In other words...

A deliberate attempt to be vague and evasive by using many wooden to "circle around" and avoid saying something
directly. Ther is a vendor of pharmaceuticals who has established residence at Elm and 4th.

Not spoken. Unstated but understood.
The tacit conventions of are often learned through trial and error.

Using similar- sounding words in a humorous way. Sometimes referred to as the lowest
form of humor. The child won't eat the vegetables, Father says, "Give peas a chance."

Double entendre
A phrase or figure of speech that can be understood in two different ways.
The old standard example is the man goes up to the woman at a fruit stand
and says, " Those are some nice melons, you've got there."

A careful use of words to suggest something negative about someone or some thing.
Oh, I wish I had the confidence to let my kids play in the street, like you do.

Words or phrases that twist sensibilities by avoiding negative connotations, and
substituting something more positive.
He is the proprietor of a certified, pre-owned automobile establishment.


Bionic Poster
In other words...

A deliberate attempt to be vague and evasive by using many wooden to "circle around" and avoid saying something
directly. Ther is a vendor of pharmaceuticals who has established residence at Elm and 4th.

Not spoken. Unstated but understood.
The tacit conventions of are often learned through trial and error.

Using similar- sounding words in a humorous way. Sometimes referred to as the lowest
form of humor. The child won't eat the vegetables, Father says, "Give peas a chance."

Double entendre
A phrase or figure of speech that can be understood in two different ways.
The old standard example is the man goes up to the woman at a fruit stand
and says, " Those are some nice melons, you've got there."

A careful use of words to suggest something negative about someone or some thing.
Oh, I wish I had the confidence to let my kids play in the street, like you do.

Words or phrases that twist sensibilities by avoiding negative connotations, and
substituting something more positive.
He is the proprietor of a certified, pre-owned automobile establishment.
Mae West, “Is that a gun in your pocket or are you happy to see me?”


Check your vocabulary here.
Random words of high school level difficulty.
Note: there might be many possible definitions,
but only one may be used.

1. Risible -----------a. Market place, fund raiser.
2. Thespian---------b. Small dish for individual portions.
3. Ramekin----------c. Secret society, faction.
4. Polemic-----------d. Absurd, laughable, comical.
5. Denouement-----e. End of a play or story explaining everything.
6. Cabal--------------f. Reduced in force, value, strength.
7. Specious----------g. Related to the theater, drama.
8. Ameliorate---------h. Bitter verbal, written attack.
9. AttenuateI----------I. Make better, improve.
10. Bazaar------------J. Plausible, but wrong.

1d, 2g, 3b, 4h, 5e, 6c, 7j, 8i, 9f, 10a,
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A few more

1. Clique-------------a. Density packed crowd.
2. Dilettante---------b. Secret password.
3. Epithet------------c. Of a serene idyllic time.
4. Facile-------------d. Effortless, neat and easy.
5. Halcyon----------e. A dabbler in the arts and culture.
6. Propinquity------f. Uninspired, dull, insipid.
7. Redolent---------g. Small exclusive group with shared interests.
8. Shibboleth-------h. Proximity, nearness.
9. Throng------------I. Evocative, strongly suggestive of.
10. Vapid------------j. Descriptive word or phrase " Bayonne bleeder".

1g, 2e, 3j, 4d, 5c, 6h, 7i, 8b, 9a, 10f,


Bromide- or "old bromide"

The term comes from a time in the past when
doctors would prescribe a bromide to
calm the nerves... causing a "doping" effect-
one of dullness and lethargy.

So, if you come across "bromide" in your reading
(and you are not reading a chemistry book),
then they are referring to a story, statement,
phrase- that is a platitude, trite, unoriginal,
tiresome and dull.



Is the younger brother of Eros, the (Greek) God of erotic love.
So what is the difference?

Eros is, of course, the god of erotic attraction.
Anteros is the god of returned or requited love.


Clean as a whistle
Clean as a whistle means spotlessly clean,
But it can mean perfect or flawless, guilt free- her driving record is clean as a whistle.
It can also mean smooth, without incident. The burglars got away as clean as a whistle.

Ok, but where do we find this clean whistle?
Any whistle I can imagine is a filthy, slobber drenched, bacteria crusted illness
waiting to happen. So, let's go---

Back to square one
Where is that square? Is it a hop-scotch square, a board game square, something from British
Radio sports? Nobody is sure. So how can we go back?


Is a poisonous plant also known as
deadly nightshade.
Belladonna means beautiful lady (Italian)-
most likely from a practice in the past of
applying the berry juice to the eyes to dilate them-
though I think that would look creepy rather than beautiful.


Bionic Poster
Is a poisonous plant also known as
deadly nightshade.
Belladonna means beautiful lady (Italian)-
most likely from a practice in the past of
applying the berry juice to the eyes to dilate them-
though I think that would look creepy rather than beautiful.
Bella Donna aka Stevie Nicks, The Welsh Witch and her first “solo” album dominated with two separate duets with Tom Petty and Don Henley. Easily, the best music she recorded after leaving Fleetwood Mac. Incredible album!


Acrotelm /catotelm

Peat land layers. Take a breath and thank them for it.



The following words are all taken from the novel, Lolita.

1. Nictate
2. Tessellated
3. Meretricious
4. Crepitatate
5. Heliotropic
6. Adnumbrate
7. Paroxysm
8. Coeval
9. Eructation
10. Rime
11. Telestically
12. Inveigle
13. Taciturn
14. Spoor

Match with definitions

A. Blink
B. Misleadingly attractive
C. Presenting in outline
D.frozem water vapor, frost
E. Scent, track, droppings of an animal
F. Closely tiled with geometric shapes
G. Sudden emotional outburst
H. mystically
I. Reserved, uncommunicative
J. Make a crackling sound
K. Having the same date or age of origin
L. Rersuade through flattery.
M. Belch
N. Growth of plants toward sunlight

1A, 2F, 3b, 4J, 5N, 6C, 7G, 8K, 9M, 10D, 11H, 12L, 13I, 14E,


A few more

1. Clique-------------a. Density packed crowd.
2. Dilettante---------b. Secret password.
3. Epithet------------c. Of a serene idyllic time.
4. Facile-------------d. Effortless, neat and easy.
5. Halcyon----------e. A dabbler in the arts and culture.
6. Propinquity------f. Uninspired, dull, insipid.
7. Redolent---------g. Small exclusive group with shared interests.
8. Shibboleth-------h. Proximity, nearness.
9. Throng------------I. Evocative, strongly suggestive of.
10. Vapid------------j. Descriptive word or phrase " Bayonne bleeder".

1g, 2e, 3j, 4d, 5c, 6h, 7i, 8b, 9a, 10f,

I only got risible and propinquity through process of elimination.


British Prime Minister, William Gladstone
advocated chewing each bite of food 32 times
once for each tooth.
Hoarsce Fletcher went even further- chewing each bite until
it became a soft pulp. He once chewed a shallot 720
times before swallowing. His collected theories (yes, there are more)
are known as Fletcherism.

Plotophagy, another, similar, concept means to Chew food to the consistency
Of porridge.

Fletcher was (for some reason) proud that his stool did not smell, and would send a sample
to anyone who asked.


Means to badger, rouse, infuriate, or anger someone enough to incite them into action.

A provocateur is someone who deliberately provokes, stirs things up, instigates, agitates others into action.
A person who turns a crowd into a mob is a provocateur.

A cultural provocateur is a person who creates now ideas, ways of seeing things.


Bionic Poster
Provolone a type of cheese native to Italy. Its mild taste makes it very complimentary to meats on sandwiches. Cremona, in northwestern Italy on the banks of the Po River, is the home of the largest segment of Italian dairy farmers making the valuable cheese.

Provo is Utah’s fourth largest city and is home to Brigham Young University. It was named after Etienne Provost, a French Canadian fur trapper active in the area during the early 19th century, a couple of decades before the time Mormons usurped the area violently from the native Utes and Shoshone tribes in 1850.


Things aren't' always what they seem.

A misnomer is a "wrong" or confusing, or inaccurate name applied to something.

Great Dane (dog)- did not originate in Denmark, but from Germany.

Electric eel- yes they can generate 600 volts of current, but they are not eels. More closely related to the knifefish.

Mountain goats- inhabit the mountains, but the are antelopes.

French fries originated in Belgium.

Titmouse- is a bird.

Fireflies- they do fly, but they are beetles (not flies).

Boston cream pie- is from Boston, but is not a pie. It's a cake.

Jelly fish and star fish- are not fish.

The horned toad- is a lizard.

Head cheese- is not cheese. Better not to know what it is.

French horns- really from Germany,

Panama hats- from Ecuador.

Any more?
Conservative - generally quite Radical as of late


Gimme an aaaaaaaaaaa.

Accrete means to grow by (usually slow) accumulation. Like money in a bank, or stalagmites and stalactites over hundreds of years.

Comes from the Latin for a chest or box (for keeping secrets). Arcane means mysterious, secret, esoteric, known to only a few initiates- like those in a secret society. I wanted to belong to one of those secret societies, but when they accepted me right away, I realized their standards were too low.
Obscure, little understood.

Means something out of place in time.
It usually is something you might find in a novel, a movie, a poorly researched history book,
the way your great uncle still says things like "groovy man".
Seeing someone wearing Nikes in a movie about Roman times.

There are different ways something can be 'untimely".
One might be called prochronism. For example, when someone says that Nero fiddled while Rome burned, they may be unaware that no fiddle existed during Roman times.

Another could be called parachronism. This is when the out of time thing is unusual, but only improbable.
This is like the movie, Blast From the Past, where someone in a fallout shelter for 30 years emerges into a changed world.


Bionic Poster
Gimme an aaaaaaaaaaa.

Accrete means to grow by (usually slow) accumulation. Like money in a bank, or stalagmites and stalactites over hundreds of years.

Comes from the Latin for a chest or box (for keeping secrets). Arcane means mysterious, secret, esoteric, known to only a few initiates- like those in a secret society. I wanted to belong to one of those secret societies, but when they accepted me right away, I realized their standards were too low.
Obscure, little understood.

Means something out of place in time.
It usually is something you might find in a novel, a movie, a poorly researched history book,
the way your great uncle still says things like "groovy man".
Seeing someone wearing Nikes in a movie about Roman times.

There are different ways something can be 'untimely".
One might be called prochronism. For example, when someone says that Nero fiddled while Rome burned, they may be unaware that no fiddle existed during Roman times.

Another could be called parachronism. This is when the out of time thing is unusual, but only improbable.
This is like the movie, Blast From the Past, where someone in a fallout shelter for 30 years emerges into a changed world.
An arachnid is featured in currently airing Liberty Mutual commercials that tie in to the new Spider-Man film. Silly man Doug volunteers to be bitten by a tarantula he is conveniently storing in a plastic case he had stashed in his office desk drawer. Supposedly this will save customers mucho dinero in premiums. All it seems to accomplish is a trip to the ER…the swollen facial features makeup is outstanding as he is wheeled into the ambulance!


An arachnid is featured in currently airing Liberty Mutual commercials that tie in to the new Spider-Man film. Silly man Doug volunteers to be bitten by a tarantula he is conveniently storing in a plastic case he had stashed in his office desk drawer. Supposedly this will save customers mucho dinero in premiums. All it seems to accomplish is a trip to the ER…the swollen facial features makeup is outstanding as he is wheeled into the ambulance!
I saw that commercial, and since we hate the Liberty Mutual company, I was pleased to see one of theirs suffering,
in a sense, for their own sins. Recently, the ceiling in our bathroom caved in from a leak. Safeco, owned by Liberty Mutual, treated us badly, paying for less than a quarter of our losses, and only after prolonged, difficult exchanges.
Obviously, their man, Doug, is a symbol. This man represents to us that they will never treat anyone with honesty, intelligence or respect. Next time a brown Recluse?


Bionic Poster
The absurdity of almost every insurance company’s advertising campaign(s) is through the roof. Are you really going to pick a company that has an emu as its mascot? Or make your choice based on the fact the spokesperson is a NFL QB living in his team’s stadium? Or being entertained by a crew of neurotic claims adjusters dressed in white aprons and all-white wardrobes like they work in a mental institution? Or a talking lizard? Or to bundle home and auto after watching a fantasy ride with a home being towed by a small car through city streets?


The absurdity of almost every insurance company’s advertising campaign(s) is through the roof. Are you really going to pick a company that has an emu as its mascot? Or make your choice based on the fact the spokesperson is a NFL QB living in his team’s stadium? Or being entertained by a crew of neurotic claims adjusters dressed in white aprons and all-white wardrobes like they work in a mental institution? Or a talking lizard? Or to bundle home and auto after watching a fantasy ride with a home being towed by a small car through city streets?
Well said.


Short definitions of words from Jane Austin

Coze- a friendly chat
Gad- a person who "gads about" aimplssly from place to place
Sprawly-a small mess, spread about
Countenance- ones facial expression
Stricture- a restriction on something
Contrived- manipulated, planned
Solicitude- a feeling of extreme concern
Ablution- a cleansing ritual- washing up
Barouche- an open summer carriage
Coxcomb- a conceited dandy
Quadrille- a "square" dance for four couples
Counterpoise- an equal and opposing force
Pangyric- high praise, compliment.


Have existed (most likely) as long as humans have had the ability to speak incorrectly-
but they have only had this name since Willian Archibald Spooner (1844-1930) twisted the English language.

We have a master plan to repair these walls, becomes-
We have a plaster man to repair these walls.

Yesterday, I was invited to a dinner with our dear Queen, becomes-
Yesterday, I was invited to a dinner with our queer dean.

I spent the last hour lighting a fire, becomes-
I spent the last hour fighting a liar.

How are these different from malapropisms?
Spoonerisms result from a verbal problem similar to dyslexia- it is more a substitution of
sounds than just improperly using the wrong word. A malapropism is using the wrong word-
mostly out of ignorance, or to act ignorant for comic effect.



The (usually) spiked, revolving disk at the back of a spur.

A post or main support for a stair railing, most often the bottom one which might be
decorated with a fancy newel cap or finial.

A ornament that caps or decorates the top or ends of something- like the ends of a curtain rod,
Or the decorative thing that holds a lampshade to the base.

In this case, it is the (usually) metallic thing that straddles the light bulb on a lamp and has a bolt
attached to the top so that the shade can be attached using a finial (see above).

A potion with "magical" properties, often a love philter, causing the drinker to fall in love with the provider.
Philter can also be used to refer, in general, to a potion, drug, charm.

Also called the medial cleft, it is the vertical "groove" between the base of the nose and the upper lip.


A term coined in 1869 by English biologists Thomas Henry Huxley-
from a Greek word meaning "unknowable".
It refers to a person who abstains from either faith or disbelief, because direct evidence of
a mystical nature in a world limited by physical laws.
A more general definition of agnosticism is having an attitude of skeptical detachment- toward something in particular, or to everything in general.
Nowadays, I hear the word "agnostic" used in computer science to describe software or hardware that is not limited to any one platform, system, or format. The term is used in a similar way in banking, finance etc.

An atheist is a person who disbelieves in a supreme, conscious, entity, and who prefers to think in terms of math, science, logic.

A deist accepts the probability that the universe as we know it was created by a supernatural event,
but that it continues to operate by the rules imposed upon it in that initial event. And, we can only know
this world by understanding those physical laws.


Can be a simple eye or photo receptor of some simple organism sensing mainly light or motion, but not image-
Or it an be an eye-like marking, a form of mimickery, like spots on a butterfly wing, "eyes" on a peacock tail feather...


Is a plant/herb sometimes called the "self heal" plant.
It has been used a a folk remedy to treat infections, but, also as an herb in stews, salads, soups,
or as a "tea".

Is a sweet, brownish, French, liqueur, made from a small, acidic, plum or "sloe"


Pismire vs pishmire

Pismire is a regional term for an ant.
Pishmire is an equally regional term for an exasperating person.

I have seen the spelling used interchangeably.


Is the word most often considered the opposite of widdershins-
however it comes from a different root.
Widdershins is from German, widersinnen, go against, and implies a
contrary nature, circling an object by keeping it to ones left, moving against the apparent
motion of the sun, going against the main stream of things.

Is from a Gaelic term meaning "right", clockwise, keeping objects to ones right, it implies good luck
and traveling with the direction of the sun, with some underlying mystical connotations.


Means naive, simplistic, natural, unsophisticated-
but can also be used to mean dry, tedious, humdrum.

Is a general term for a fisherman/fisherperson.

An angler is a type of piscator. One who uses a hook and line
(as opposed to nets or other methods). It comes from an
Old English word for "hook".

A luthier is a craftsman of stringed instruments with a neck and a soundbox (for the most part)-
such as the violin and guitar.


A lunar plain.

Having branches.

One spelling for a dog sled made of wood lashed together with rawhide strips.

Ipsi dixit
Latin "he said it, himself". Basically a statement or assertion that is not backed up or proven.
Sort of like when mother says, "Because I say so".


Jumping the shark
A term coined around 1985
that refers to a 1977 episode
of Happy Days where the Fonzie
jumps over a shark on water skies.

So, jumping the shark, means a turning point.
Especially a turning point that begins with a misguided/silly attempt to
reinvigorate something (a TV show for example) that has lost popularity,
And, after which, it is downhill from there.


Bionic Poster
Jumping the shark
A term coined around 1985
that refers to a 1977 episode
of Happy Days where the Fonzie
jumps over a shark on water skies.

So, jumping the shark, means a turning point.
Especially a turning point that begins with a misguided/silly attempt to
reinvigorate something (a TV show for example) that has lost popularity,
And, after which, it is downhill from there.
There may be some Jets jumping some Sharks in the Spielberg remake of WSS that opened on Friday.


When movies are classics, or even just good- the remakes never live up to the original.
Movies that were low-Budget bad, well maybe, like The fly, but, then, even that remake was only OK.
Will Spielberg overachieve?