Phrases or things people say that you don't like


when movies have dialog that normal people never use.

eg "I had spoken with Chad." Real people say "I talked to Chad".


Our IT folks got wind of the term "pain point" when talking about issues and all of the management team use it in every meeting. So with 4 of them in the room the other day for a 1.5 hour meeting, it was used/said over a dozen times.


Classic. Buzzwords get picked up easily and repetition is what drives me nuts. You end up counting how many times it is used rather than paying attention to the context.
Our IT folks got wind of the term "pain point" when talking about issues and all of the management team use it in every meeting. So with 4 of them in the room the other day for a 1.5 hour meeting, it was used/said over a dozen times.
Really? Really?
Twelve times!?
My pain point on pain point is five per hour. Twelve is....a lot.

A lot. Remember when a lot was a good thing? Yeah, a lot of power. A lot of strength. A lot of nutrients. A lot of watermelon. A lot of cool water on a hot day. A lot of waterskiing on the lake.
Now it means when someone is slightly overbearing. Or when a class is fairly tough. Yeah, she's lot. That class man, it's... it's a lot.



Really? Really?
Twelve times!?
My pain point on pain point is five per hour. Twelve is....a lot.

A lot. Remember when a lot was a good thing? Yeah, a lot of power. A lot of strength. A lot of nutrients. A lot of watermelon. A lot of cool water on a hot day. A lot of waterskiing on the lake.
Now it means when someone is slightly overbearing. Or when a class is fairly tough. Yeah, she's lot. That class man, it's... it's a lot.


I hate when IT uses pain points a lot.

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Anything said by Pam Shriver or Jimmy Arias or is instantly terrible.

The constant misspelling of lose as loose drives me crazy.

Your/You're misuse has always bothered me greatly as well.
Awe. There. their. They're.
We might hafta ... Loosen up.

@Shaolin , yes, pam shriver is bloody awful. Not quite chrissie evert level, but "gettin thurr. Hunnit percent, yo."

Jimmy Arias, i guess i do not puke when he speaks. Cliché maven, but at least he seems connected with the game. Shriver is just wheelzoff batty, and unapologetically bratty.

Yknow who I actually the spirit of this thread? Mary Carillo. Oft-Disliked, very Smart, and somewhat original.

Aw, the word actually has gone downhill of late. And i just used it on the carillo sentence. Bummr.
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Our IT folks got wind of the term "pain point" when talking about issues and all of the management team use it in every meeting. So with 4 of them in the room the other day for a 1.5 hour meeting, it was used/said over a dozen times.
Oh tell me about it - "we need to focus on customer pain points" - I had a feeling that they were talking about them being pain in the butts :unsure:
We used to buy materials from this company, build, customize, add our soft skills, and sell prince duct to a targeted customer base.

Now, we "engage" other entities as "partners", see? We "partner" with them. Strateejek alliances, man. It's soopar rewarding now. And streemlyned. And moar ahhhsum.


Bionic Poster
"There are many natural scientists, and especially physicists, who continue to reject the notion that the disciplines concerned with social and cultural criticism can have anything to contribute, except perhaps peripherally, to their research. Still less are they receptive to the idea that the very foundations of their worldview must be revised or rebuilt in the light of such criticism. Rather, they cling to the dogma imposed by the long post-Enlightenment hegemony over the Western intellectual outlook, which can be summarized briefly as follows: that there exists an external world, whose properties are independent of any individual human being and indeed of humanity as a whole; that these properties are encoded in ``eternal'' physical laws; and that human beings can obtain reliable, albeit imperfect and tentative, knowledge of these laws by hewing to the ``objective'' procedures and epistemological strictures prescribed by the (so-called) scientific method."
from Transgressing the Boundaries: Towards a Transformative Hermeneutics of Quantum Gravity
Using "prepone" instead of bring forward still annoys me at times.
I have only heard this occasionally here in the US from British and Indian execs. I don't mind it, yet, but if it is gaining among poseurs, i can it see this becoming annoying.

I'm starting to overtly make fun of dope, sick, filthy, and pimp. Tryna bring back "swell" and "heavens to mergatroyd!"


Talk Tennis Guru
We used to buy materials from this company, build, customize, add our soft skills, and sell prince duct to a targeted customer base.

Now, we "engage" other entities as "partners", see? We "partner" with them. Strateejek alliances, man. It's soopar rewarding now. And streemlyned. And moar ahhhsum.
I am okay with converted verbs like game-changer or think-outside-the-box. Not okay with buzzwords farmed from the cubicle such as proactive, synergies, and especially the one thrown out from the corner office, grow the company [What?!]. The mere mention of the phrase makes me wanna till the ground--join the social movement--grow my own food, from farm to table/farm to plate. Hold on a second, growing the company and growing food confused me, made me blurt out [unconsciously] something that comes out of an encounter group--conflicted. Now, I feel like I have to journal the issues and process these concerns, just not sure if I wanted to share them.
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I had a boss once who ALWAYS used the number 55 million to describe anything of high quantity at work. "We are going to get 55 million calls today" "I have 55 million things to get done by 5pm" "People will come at me with 55 million questions." I would hear that at least three times a day and it was maddening. In meetings, I always wanted to ask, "What will we do when it reaches 56 million?" Never did.


Bionic Poster
I had a boss once who ALWAYS used the number 55 million to describe anything of high quantity at work. "We are going to get 55 million calls today" "I have 55 million things to get done by 5pm" "People will come at me with 55 million questions." I would hear that at least three times a day and it was maddening. In meetings, I always wanted to ask, "What will we do when it reaches 56 million?" Never did.
Annoying, I would have given him 99 red balloons.


Hall of Fame
Fresh from Miami ...

"You're the biggest drama queen ever"
"You played good tennis but I was just a step ahead with my angles, variety and fighting spirit"

And something extra ...
"Good question!" (used when one doesn't know the answer)

Steady Eddy

"Life's too short."

Irrelevant. Even if you lived forever you'd still avoid things you don't like. Just say, "I don't want to do that, it sucks, (boring, annoying, etc)."
Ok, a bit of a hip hop edition up in here....a few entries from a hip hop fan.

No days off!
Portmanteau-ing and verbifying errthang is wearing thin.
Don't sleep on....
Drip. Iced out watch. Formerly known as Bling bling.
You know whut I'm sayin?

Jus sayen.
^The above poast is so offunsiv, on the grounds that it is like racist, and massagenistik. Also zinafoabek. And i doant rilly blame @tennis4me ... the problem is systemic. Invisible bias, yo.
Also, like hate is like totaleh not a family value.
Family values offend me. I am triggered by my own post. Dayum.