Good Swiss Male Players Before Federer?


I was thinking recently of precedents for Federer.
A few names to to mind. Then I went searching.

Heinz Günthardt
Marc Rosset
Markus Günthardt
Jakob Hlasek
Claudio Mezzadri
Ivo Heuberger
George Bastl
Michel Kratochvil
Colin Dowdeswell
Tim Sturdza
Paul Blondel
Martin Froesch
Erwin Balestra
Jost Spitzer
Hans Huonder
Max Ellmer
René Buser
Hans Pfaff
Boris Maneff
Hector Fisher

Who did I overlook?


Never heard of most of them, except Rosset and Gunthardt, I believe Rosset won an Olympic Gold in singles, some time ago.


Charles or Karl Aeschliman(n) played in 50 Davis Cup rubbers between 1923 and 1934, according to Max Robertsons Encyclopedia of tennis. I think, he played doubles/mixed with Lenglen and/or Wills in that famous Cannes encounter 1926. I have seen a picture of him posing with both women. Switzerland was 1913 one of the Founding Members of the ILTF.


Hall of Fame
I was thinking recently of precedents for Federer.
A few names to to mind. Then I went searching.

Heinz Günthardt
Marc Rosset
Markus Günthardt
Jakob Hlasek
Claudio Mezzadri
Ivo Heuberger
George Bastl
Michel Kratochvil
Colin Dowdeswell
Tim Sturdza
Paul Blondel
Martin Froesch
Erwin Balestra
Jost Spitzer
Hans Huonder
Max Ellmer
René Buser
Hans Pfaff
Boris Maneff
Hector Fisher

Who did I overlook?

Very good list, maybe Lorenzo Manta and Yves Allegro deserve to be mentioned


Bionic Poster
I was thinking recently of precedents for Federer.
A few names to to mind. Then I went searching.

Heinz Günthardt
Marc Rosset
Markus Günthardt
Jakob Hlasek
Claudio Mezzadri
Ivo Heuberger
George Bastl
Michel Kratochvil
Colin Dowdeswell
Tim Sturdza
Paul Blondel
Martin Froesch
Erwin Balestra
Jost Spitzer
Hans Huonder
Max Ellmer
René Buser
Hans Pfaff
Boris Maneff
Hector Fisher

Who did I overlook?

Marco Chiudinelli?


Hall of Fame
Lorenzo Manta
Yves Allegro