Volkl Tour 10 Mid (1st Generation) VS Volkl Power Bridge 10 Mid

Has anybody tried these two frames?
What were the main differences you noticed & which do you prefer?

There was no difference materially in the T10 Mid and the T10 Mid with the red colored "Tour" printed on the outside of the throat, if that is what you are referring as to 1st generation. With that being said, that ten year old frame and the PB 10 Mid are very different. The T10 Mid was stiff and harsh and needed to be strung very tight to control the ball. Stringing it tightly was the only way to utilize the 18x20 string bed and make the ball squeeze to increase the dwell time. The PB 10 Mid is very soft in comparison--quite soft period--and the dwell time is very long. When hitting flat, because of its dwell time, it feels like a 18x20, but when you hit with spin, it plays like the 16x19 it is. There is much more feel in the PB 10 Mid, and since it has nano carbon at 3/9/12, the stability lets you hit shots which you cannot hit with traditional graphite, so it is a far better frame than the T10 Mid. When I first started using it, and for the whole time that I used it, I thought it was a great frame for me. I played with both sticks for two years each.

Now if you want to make a better comparison, you should compare the T10 Mid to the London Tour. They are from the same mold. The Tour is far more refined, and can be played well at much lower tensions and at a lighter weight because of the DC nano carbon at 3/9. There is much better feel with the Tour; it plays much softer and more stable; it hits with more rpm than both the T10 Mid and PB 10 Mid; and it hits a heavier ball. I just switched to the London Tour because not only does it hit more rpm than the PB 10 Mid, it hits with more mph, and can be played at a much lower weight. My T10 Mid was 390 grams; PB 10 Mid was 392 grams; but my London Tour is only 370 grams, and that is the lightest frame which I have used in 40 years. The Tour is also softer than the PB 10 Mid.