Need a butt-kicking video game


Hall of Fame
Kinda random... I know. But went and saw The Dark Knight Rises recently.. and just started thinking about how awesome it would be to find a video game in which I played as a character like bane (physically very powerful, ruthless) and basically just went around laying a hurt on everyone.

It doesn't have to be a game in which I'm playing an evil or bad character.. but just looking for basic suggestions of games in which I can just beat people up.

Try Prototype or Prototype 2 - open world, kick as much butt as you want, plenty of fighting and destruction, gain new powers. Perfect!
It was said already, but batman arkham city is what you're talking about. It's like grand theft auto, you can run around and do whatever you want. You can even do a mini game where waves of enemies come at you and you beat them up. It's really fun.


Arkham Asylum is about $15.00 and Arkham City is around $30.00 now. I actually preferred Asylum more. Lots of fighting but my favorite part of it is the "Detective Mode" when you're looking for clues. Both games have something for everyone.


While you dont play as a superhero, Dead Island is great for melee combat. First person zombie game where you can build your own weapons. Also can be played 4 player co-op on Live. Or if you like shooters and role playing games, buy either of the Borderlands games.


Hall of Fame
Already have Starcraft 2 :) It's fun as hell. I play one round at least of Nexus Wars a day :)

Darksiders 1 gets too repetitive but I've heard good things about number 2.

I also absolutely love the DMC series - the combat system in this series is by far the best. While the new one seems different considering all the changes they've made, hopefully the core gameplay remains!

Going along the lines of your OP, if you want to feel like you're Batman, I really think you should try out Batman - Arkham Asylum or it's sequel Arkham City.

However, if you want the faster paced finger twitching combat system, along the lines of DMC series, try out Ninja Gaiden 1 (for original xbox) and 2 (for 360) (NOT 3, do NOT touch 3).

Either way I don't think you'll go wrong with any of those games :).