Behind The Scenes Training Session


Hey everyone, this is a video from my practice the other day, enjoy it!

Looks like you got a good workout but that's not the best way to use the wall to improve your game. Banging the ball hard gives you no feel for the ball. A wall should be used to gently groove strokes. Touch and feel can only be developed on a wall if spins, form, and contact are emphasized. For example, you might work on using a conti grip on both sides to develop those half-volleys. You could work going from underspin to topspin or moving the ball predictably from one side to the other. Banging it against the wall and reacting to whatever comes off doesn't help your stroke or even approximate how you would need to re-position and react on the court. Develop routines that develop parts of your game or strokes. And keep hittin' 'em.
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