Best flex leagues for players short on time?


Can anyone recommend flex leagues in the US that cater to players who do not have time for traditional best of 3? Unfortunately I need to play more pro sets and super tiebreaks due to limited time, but in my league (TLN) BO3 is default and most players don't want to play anything else.


Hall of Fame
USTA flex leagues are also Bof3 with 10 point breakers ....

I don't know anyone who on purpose wants to play pro sets. I think there are some tournaments set up that way, but that is a bigger time commitment.

In general a match, even going to a 10 point 3rd set is going to be 90-100 minutes as long as no one is pokey.

You can always win the first, tank the 2nd set and win the TB to save time .... ?
(really, please don't that would be so tacky)


Maybe find a league with timed matches? Our USTA matches are 90min, which includes the singles leagues.