Lleyton Hewitt
What is the best synthetic gut u have tried or hybrid setups u have tried?
I'd like to hear ur opinions because im thinking of either going for a poly/syn gut hybrid or all synthetic gut. Any suggestions for me?
Well i have a baseliners game with flat backhand strokes with sometimes topspin for my forehand but its all mainly flat. Medium powered. Like to volley a lot too. I have never broken a string before. i currently use alu power but it just goes dead to quickly for me and i just wanted to try a poly!
Atm im thinking signum pro poly plasma with prince org syn gut or fiber tec signum.
I'd like to hear ur opinions because im thinking of either going for a poly/syn gut hybrid or all synthetic gut. Any suggestions for me?
Well i have a baseliners game with flat backhand strokes with sometimes topspin for my forehand but its all mainly flat. Medium powered. Like to volley a lot too. I have never broken a string before. i currently use alu power but it just goes dead to quickly for me and i just wanted to try a poly!
Atm im thinking signum pro poly plasma with prince org syn gut or fiber tec signum.