Comfort Rankings of Volkl C10 and T10 MP Series

louis netman

Hall of Fame
Although all of the following are excellent in terms of arm comfort, I have found comfort level of the Volkls to rank as follows from most comfortable to least comfortable (with all other variables being constant): 1) T10 Gen II, 2) C10 Pro, 3) T10 VE MP, 4) T10 MP (Gen I). The Gen I's lower ranking may be due to the titanium in the composition and its stiffer upper hoop. Please post your own observations if you disagree with this information.


I've only played with Gen II and C10 Pro. My opinion is that, when stock, C10 Pro plays more comfortably than Gen II if swing weight is not an issue. Unfortunately, C10's weight is, for me, a prohibitive factor. C10 Pro seems to play heavier than any other racquet I've tried, even those with relatively high swing weights (PT280, POG OS, i.Prestige mp, etc.). So, between these two racquets, I would go for Gen II.


I have only played with the T10MPGen1 and the C10Pro. I hated the feel of the latter so didn't play much with it. I would say that the T10MPGen 1 was extremely arm friendly, and I have a sensitive arm.



Hall of Fame
i wonder what nobadmojo has to say about this one. now granted volkl c10/t10 racquets are pretty comfortable as is but...

for me personally, the racquets i used were the t10 g1 mid and midplus and the t10 ve mid and midplus. the nod for most comfortable goes to the t10 gen 1 midplus, then t10 g1 mid, followed by t10 ve mid and t10 ve midplus. the t10 g1 mp upper hoop stiffness along with it's mass and head size contributed to it's comfort. i felt that the t10 ve mp just didn't have the mass to be really comfortable against some big hitters.

fyi: i ended up leading up the t10g1 mp at the 3/9/handle not because of more comfort (although it did help in that dept) but b/c i wanted more weight for my 2handed bh. one test i'd like to do if i had the time would be to spec out the t10ve mp to the same weight and balance as my t10g1 mp and then see how much more comfy it became.


these are all comfortable racquets which flex to varying degrees in different areas, are stiffer in different areas to varyng degrees, so that flex may be perceived differently by different people. i would agree with the general assessment of louis, altho i wouldnt call the upper hoop of the Gen1 stiff..more in the realm of firm... the c10 seems the opposite and flexes alot on the head, and the two v-engine models are stiffened in the throat where the v is located but still flexy frames..the Gen2 just seems to be of uniform flexibility to me for some reason and i feel the flex in that one mostly in the stringbed.


Id have to say that the t10mpGen2 is just about the most comfortable racquet Ive hit with. However, Id agree with Ed that it doesn't feel like it is overly flexible - obviously not stiff but not flexy like the C10- but the response off the strings is very, very cushioned. I think one of the reasons it was so nice for volleying was because it didn't flex too much so it was very easy to chip-charge.
A slightly smaller headsize would be about the only thing Id prefer as I tend to have wrist problems (just something peculiar to my type of injury) with midplus or larger.

Ed, how would you rate the response of the t10 mid v-engine?


Andrew the VE-Mid was a bit of an odd one for me because you have the other element of the denser stringbed involved plus the v-engine for stiffness and a really flexy layup. this one to me felt like something a prestige classic player might enjoy (because i always got both a flexy and firm feel from that frame too maybe because of the Twaron)