controlling my forehand

andyroddick's mojo

I've been trying to work more on my forehand lately. Trying to get it deeper, past the service line, while keeping the same amount of spin. Sometimes my balls go super high, and sometimes in the net. So what I'm trying to do is to build a consistent forehand that goes about 3-4 feet above the net, while going deep. I was wondering if you guys have any tips for me. I have a semi-western forehand, with lots of topspin, and I'm only 14 years old. I think I need to get stronger first, so I can hit the ball harder and it will land deeper. Is that one way? As for the height above the net, I'm going to try and swing more horizontally through the ball, so it'll go lower, but with the strength I'll build up, hopefully it won't go into the net. Is that a good idea? Any reminders for me or tips?? GREATLY APPRECIATED!


do you hit the sweetspot all the time? if not, simply work on your timing and technique, and you will soon have a forehand that consistently lands within inches of the baseline.


Bionic Poster
Perhaps you don't really need to get stronger to hit your balls deeper. Try to generate your power from your legs and from your body rotation (hip rotation followed by torso rotation). Legs are usually more than twice as powerful as arms so it makes sense to use the legs to initate power. This starts by bending your knees as you set up for your strokes.

Look at the way Andre and Andy "set" their Fh strokes with the non-dom hand staying on the throat of the racket (as they perform the first part of their Fh loop). This gets the back of their left shoulder turned toward the net (which will give them more coil for added torso rotation later in the stroke). As the racket head drops (& the wrist lays back), the hips are starting to open up (rotating CCW) followed by the upper body uncoiling, and then, finally, the right arm & racket coming thru the ball (for depth) with a brushing motion (for spin).

Note that Andre gets a lot of depth and control on his ball with less topspin than a lot of other players. But then Andre is a whole lot more talented than rest of us. The bottom line is that topspin ain't everything. Depth and depth control are more important than hitting hard & more important than hitting with heavy topspin.