Dampeners do actually do something?


New User
Two parties on this subject:

Party A: Vibration dampeners do nothing but reduce the ping noise. They only effect the noise and absolutely nothing else.

Party B: Vibration dampeners do more than just reduce the ping noise. It "feels" different when one is on my racquet--either better or worse for members of this party.


Could it be that party B is correct? Could it be that the vibration dampener slightly tightens the stringbed, or whatever other crap has been discussed.

I think the biggest deciding factor in this epic battle is...


The average vibration dampener weighs in at about 2 grams. Wouldn't the 2 grams of awkwardly placed additional weight near the 6 o'clock position of the racquet change something?

Isn't 2 grams of weight equal to about 8 pieces of 4" 1/4" pieces of lead tape?

So wouldn't that be the equivalent of wrapping 8 pieces of 4" 1/4" lead tape around the bottom cross and main string of the racquet near the 6'o clock position?


If the vibration dampener weighed 0 grams and was virtually a non-existant entity, I would absolutely side with Party A, but now I'm leaning towards Party B.

Someone please prove me wrong.


Hall of Fame
As the weight is only 2g (less than 0.6% of the weight of a players racket) and it is relatively close to the throat I very much doubt that it would have much effect. I always play with a dampener and my view is that it takes the ping off the racket, nothing else.

I also find than an overgrip is more noticeable with regard to balance than a dampener.


Of course it "feels" different. It dampens the vibration.
Give a player the same racquet/string with and without the dampener, and he'll feel the difference on the first hit.


I'm mostly in camp "A". I don't think they do much besides get rid of the sound. Dampeners do mute the feel a bit because the ping and the vibration provide feedback about where on the string bed you made contact. However, I don't think a dampener helps with tennis elbow or other ailments. I think that has more to do with string, string tension, racquet stiffness, and of course technique.
For all you that believe that dapeners only get rid of the ping do the pepsi test on someone that knows it does actually make some difference, put headphones on them and see if they can tell when the racquet does/doesnt have the dampener on.
You can tell!