Federer's ball toss position


New User
Maybe this has been asked a lot but i could nog find a clear answer. It is even hard to see in slow motion videos but what is the position of the ball when federer hits it? I mean if he would not hit the ball at all where would it bounce?

In front of him?
On top of this head?
Slightly behind him?
Or just left in front of him? etc...

When i am trying to ad some kick in my serves I try to toss the ball a little bit above me and to the left. When i just want to pound it I try to toss it a little bit in front of me.

It looks on the slowmos that federer tosses the ball far over his head and to the left but it would be almost impossible to gain that much speed, but then again, its roger....


You will here a lot of different opinions but this video is as accurate as it gets. First serve toss is tossed so it will land around 11 o'clock (1-2 feet to his left)

He contacts his 1st serve about 6 inches to his right. However, don't mix up ball toss position with contact point. Many people think that because he contacts it to his right, the toss (if allowed to drop) would be to his right (1 o'clock). The toss has a bit of an arch to it though, so where he contacts it is going t be different from where his toss lands. Also, players will lean to their lift in order that a ball toss to their left will be contacted slightly to their right or just above them.

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