For a beginner...


i bought a demo o3 blue os racquet for my girlfriend who is a beginner. she can forehand and back hand but cant serve. we just like to rally but we spend a lot of the time picking up balls!

anyway. i want to replace her strings on her o3 blue because they seem to twist all over the place after a short while of play. i should have replaced them straight away anyway i think, but as a beginner myself i have no idea what string would be good for her. i think i want a cheap string that will last a long time without losing tension or durability really quick...i think! i dont know anything about them. help guys! many thanks!


New User
The twisting may be more due to being a beginner and not hitting the ball squarely yet. If string movement is the issue try a soft poly string..maybe something like Kirschbaum Super Smash ( also cost effective).


Hall of Fame
Prince's Original Synthetic Gut would do nicely. It's likely the looseness is just due to the demo's overuse. They're neglected often.

The USRSA--that's the USTA too--does not recommend polyester for casual players; for a beginner, that goes double.