Gaining weight and muscle

I am currently trying to regain some weight I've lost but I also want to gain some muscle. Any suggestions in gaining weight AND muscle at the same time? Should I focus more on eating to gain or lifting weights? Also, is there anything wrong with lifting weights everyday if you rotate the muscle groups or do only a small amount one day and a more extensive workout the next, etc? Would at least one day off from lifting dumbbells be advisable to anybody looking to add healthy weight and muscle mass?


Talk Tennis Guru
I'd suggest not more than 3-4 weight sessions a week, especially for not becoming bored. This is very important.

Focus on style, make each rep require something like 6 seconds, not less, 2 in the concentric (active) phase and 4 in the excentric (recovery) phase. This is not easy, coming back this slow, you'll find.

With 12 exercises or thereabouts in a series, this takes you to a 1 min for a series. It has been found that if the workout on a muscle is less than 1 min, not too much is gained. By the same token, your weight should be calibrated heavy enough to bring you to exhaustion at the end of that minute, but not earlier.

I watched people in my gym and myself and I saw that the best gains (as described in the literature) are realized by those taking time, being very deliberate.


Well, I guess if you are just concerned with mass, the slow approach Marius talks about is good, but remember, train slow, play slow. It's not going to help your tennis much. Just my experience, FWIW.


Talk Tennis Guru
atatu said:
Well, I guess if you are just concerned with mass, the slow approach Marius talks about is good, but remember, train slow, play slow. It's not going to help your tennis much. Just my experience, FWIW.

Of course, for explosiveness, he should do some circuit work that would speed him up, or sprints.
slow lifting

Thanks for the advice guys. I've read similar things about lifting slowly and taking the time to really "feel" the muscles being worked. I also know the importance of ensuring the weights are heavy enough to actually feel a burning sensation. I do want to add power and often just rush through the daily routine without even thinking. I need to focus more and find new ways to switch it up...thanks for clearing that up. I want to avoid boredom. Any ideas for specific and new routines?