Golden Team tennis rackets?

Does anyone here know anything about golden team tennis rackets? I recently picked up a racket from a thrift store from the company and a google search shows almost nothing about the company. In fact the only literature I can find about Golden Team are listings on ****.

The one I have in particular is a ceramic and graphite racket that appears to be 17mm thin with a 93 in head size. Its white.


Does anyone here know anything about golden team tennis rackets? I recently picked up a racket from a thrift store from the company and a google search shows almost nothing about the company. In fact the only literature I can find about Golden Team are listings on ****.

The one I have in particular is a ceramic and graphite racket that appears to be 17mm thin with a 93 in head size. Its white.

I believe Golden Team was a wholesale cooperation that was linked to certain sports retail chains in Europe and elsewhere.
Some wooden frames were made by solid manufacturers like Donnay.
Much like Zentra Sport, Intersport and Sport Point rackets for shops in the Netherlands and Germany.