Help Me!


Ugh, as you may know, I'm a pure serve and volley player. My problem is that in the league I play I have to face tons of moonballers, so serve and volley is almost useless. I go for aces on the serve and I get a ton of them (the 10 or so double faults, but this has always been a problem I've been working on), but when the returner somehow gets the ball back, it's a moonball. I've been getting some serious shoulder pain from having to play moonballers and topspin *****s, which I can't really afford as I already have some knee problems that limit my knee bend on my serve. Should I just ask (one of the coaches) to play against kids that actually hit the ball at a non-absurd height over the net? I've tried taking moonballs on the rise and that kind of stuff, but that is hard to keep up.

x Southpaw x

Rip it hard (not down!) with huge topspin as it's coming down for the second bounce, or give it a heavy spin slice with sidespin or backspin. When you have time, try practicing the swing volley =)