Hot off the Press: Photo of Steffi Graff making a come back run.



If you have not guessed thus far, 56as is an alias I used because I was not sure how my post would be received. I usually go by the handle Phil and have been an avid poster for many years. I know many people hate me because I enjoy picking apart posts that could have been written by monkeys. Its not my fault that I'm smarter than most of you. It does help that I'm 56 years old but stupidity is usually inherited and luckily my mother and father were gifted. Besides, all of my previous boyfriends have always complimented my many gifts.


56as said:
If you have not guessed thus far, 56as is an alias I used because I was not sure how my post would be received. I usually go by the handle Phil and have been an avid poster for many years. I know many people hate me because I enjoy picking apart posts that could have been written by monkeys. Its not my fault that I'm smarter than most of you. It does help that I'm 56 years old but stupidity is usually inherited and luckily my mother and father were gifted. Besides, all of my previous boyfriends have always complimented my many gifts.

Sorry, bud, but you don't write well enough to be Phil. I believe everything else you said about yourself, however.