How can i improve my second serve?

Lloyd Barcenilla

Sorry no video but...

My thoughts to second serve are try and have an aggressive one and then build consistency. I am quite consistent with the kick serve, but sometimes in games, they start to drop into the net maybe twice in succession, and then when i try to fix it, it goes long.

What could my problem be?


how to increase speed in a topspin/kick serve? Coaches are always saying more spin/racquet head speed and hit through the ball a bit more... but it always flys way out if i try to hit through the ball and kick/topspin it at the same time.


how to increase speed in a topspin/kick serve? Coaches are always saying more spin/racquet head speed and hit through the ball a bit more... but it always flys way out if i try to hit through the ball and kick/topspin it at the same time.

Hmm...well I agree with the coaches.

My part time coach always tells me to hit my 2nd serve as hard as my 1st, as in racquet speed, but aim to spin it more. I think this is how Pete Sampras did his spin serves, fast racquet speed. It works well for me..
practice....obviously its the pressure of the match...we all experience this. the only way to combat this is to keep practicing so that you're comfortable and confident when faced with the second serve.

Lloyd Barcenilla

say the ball is a clock,
WHere do you hit from and to when hitting a i) topspin
ii) Twist/kick serve.

At the moment, i hit from about 7 to 1


when your second serves become shaky, try to get the first serve in by either holding back some of your first serve power or using second serve as your first serve.


Hall of Fame
It might be toss location. If its too close, it'll go long, too far, it goes into the net.

Or if it is going into the net, you might not be swinging hard enough.


Hall of Fame
You should aim to hit it 2-3 feet above the net and still have it land in. Your swing speed needs to be about the same as your first serve. If you can't do that, then you don't have enough spin on your serve. This serve will take a long time to master.


ok, to improve your 2nd serve, first thing you do, is to try to get your 1st serve in =D that way you won't have to hit the 2nd serve you aren't comfortable with.

2nd, yea, get a topspin serve. pure topspin, get that down first, then try other stuff like slice.

Lloyd Barcenilla


I went out today, and served some second serves, i found that they were dipping in, none really in the net, but they didnt really kick... they bounced.

why is this?


Hall of Fame
It can be the trajectory of the ball before it bounce, if the ball has a close to flat serve trajectory (small net clearance) and high pace, it will not bounce as high. Also, are you using old balls or new balls?

Lloyd Barcenilla

It can be the trajectory of the ball before it bounce, if the ball has a close to flat serve trajectory (small net clearance) and high pace, it will not bounce as high. Also, are you using old balls or new balls?

They were new-ish. about 1 hour worth

I think it is the net clearance then, (trajectory)
its not very loopy


Hall of Fame
This is a great diagram of topspin serves (by TennisAsAlways)
