how to string Head Ti.S7?!?



Hi, I've just started stringing and have done about 3 string jobs with one racquet.
My question is I need to string a Head Ti.S7 but it's weird frame scares the bejeebers out of me. Anyone know how to string this racquet? is it one or two piece stringing? I only know how to do two piece stringing. And what is it's stringing pattern?

Also, what is the string pattern for a Prince Force 3 Volley Ti racquet??? i searched everywhere online but can't find it's stringing pattern!
Is there anyway to know how to string a racquet without looking up it's stringing pattern?
btw, this racquet is 16 mains/19 crosses if that helps any.



"Is there anyway to know how to string a racquet without looking up it's stringing pattern?"

Just look at a strung racquet of this model, and count how many mains & how many crosses. Write down which holes are for the mains, and which are for the crosses - so you'll know which holes to skip when you do the mains. Also take note of where the knots are tied.

If you can't find a strung racquet to take notes from, you can look at the individual grommets to see which way the 'groove' in the grommet goes - that will tell you if the grommet is for a main string, or for a cross. It's easier to do this with a racquet that has been strung several times than with a racquet that's been strung only once. It's still possible, but you'd have to look more closely.

For two-piece, look for the largest hole at the top end of the hoop. It's usually the 5th or 6th from the center. That's where you tie the starting knot for the crosses (always start the crosses at the top on a two-piece). Once you finish the crosses, look for a big hole (grommet) not too far from the last cross that you can fit another string through. The knot from the last cross can be tied to a main string, or to another cross - it differs from racquet to racquet - just look for the biggest hole.

As for how to tie a starting knot for the crosses, look here
Click on 'Tying knots' in section 4 at the top of the page.

That website used to have a bunch of stringing patterns, as well. Maybe they're still there - but I can't find them. Anyone know the exact link?