how to treat high balls


Some balls I get aren't even topspin balls. They're just lobs. I can't use backhand smash correctly, so I have to hit it back. But I don't know how to hit high balls on my backhand. I'll work more on hitting on the rise and I can step back to let the ball drop. But don't want to be vulnerable on lobs.

Forehand could use some tips on high baqlls too


New User
Like you said, one of two options. Either take it on the rise, or back up and take it on the way down.

If you do decide to take it on the rise, realize the strategy is to get the point back to neutral, you're not trying to hit a winner. You just want to hit a shot that flattens the trajectory back out, and lands deep so they can't attack the shot.

One of the most important aspects of taking a ball on the rise is watching the ball the whole way down, and being extra careful to keep your eye on it all the way through impact.

I hope this helps.


Why not take it high if you want? Just take your racquet back high, and smack the hell out of that thing. Almost like you're spiking the ball downward. If the ball is landing very deep, you'd probably want to take it earlier so you don't sacrifice court position waiting for it to go up, but if the ball is landing short then bouncing high, why not let it get above the net a bit and then cram it back at them?

It's probably just a shot you need to practice.


On your backhand side, move the racquet head up and hit the ball while keeping it up, or you can just slice it back.

On your forehand, jump up and crush that ball.


New User
For high forehands (assuming this is a groundstroke and not a volley) don't let the racket drop on the take back. Take the racket back at about the level you plan to make contact. Make sure you visualize the target area on your opponent's court. Make contact with the ball at chest or shoulder height. Drive straight through the ball and keep the racket head and your wrist stable. Make sure to turn through the shot and move your weight forward. Don't "arm" it. You are driving the ball down into your opponents court.


Hall of Fame
Some high balls do bounce up very high over your head out of your reach so you have to take those on the rise and can't wait for them to bounce back down. You have to judge which one you can wait and which one you must take on the rise.