Is this a good hopper?


those will only last u about 6-8 months and then the bottom wites will get messed up or the arm will fall off. both have happened to me. get the pete samprus unique- its very sturdy, or try to get one that is all in 1 piece and does not fold


New User
I've got a large gamma hopper that I've had for several years. Never had a problem with the bottom wires. Handles will pop out occassionally which is annoying, but easy to pop back. I added the plastic wheels which are sold by someone else and great to have with a big hopper.


Hall of Fame
make sure you get a hopper with handles that lock. I don't think Gamma hoppers have handles that lock, so the legs slide out and balls fall everywhere. Total pain.


Hall of Fame
140 balls disappear pretty fast when you are feeding them to your kid or if you are practicing your serves.

More sustained practice time vs. constant interruption from having to pick up balls and refill the basket.



i've got a hoag 100 ball capacity hopper that's rock solid. i've only had it for about a year, but i don't see any signs of it wearing down.