KBlade Tour Question

Here's my situation. I am a user of the nblade midplus. I recently switched over. ... previously a user of the prostaff 85 - kfactor mid sized frames.

The reason as to why I made the switch was because the narrowness of the mid size frames did not suit my western grip. For me, lack of power level from the frame was not a factor -- (the thing that many people complain about).

I started off using the midsizes and stuck with them because I was accustomed to them (...tried using bigger heads like Babolats but wasn't used to them. They felt different -- I didn't want to have to dramatically alter my strokes to fit a frame).

I've always had a western grip, and it happened to work with the mid sized frames. My strokes with the mids weren't loopy topspins. They were flat/line drivers, with decent topspin, the kind of ball that shoots like a laser (very slight incline angle) that would then plateau straight and come to a sudden dip down into the court in the end. So my western worked with the mids as long as I hit through the ball, more horizonally (I guess you could call it flat with a tons topspin).

Later on, my forehand evolved. I would now hit through the ball, but leading with the top edge of the hoop towards the ball (during the forward swing, the face would be closed up until just before contact -- prior to the head coming around, everything is textbook, eg end of handle leading towards the ball etc.). I loved the action that I was getting. The ball was flying fast with tons of topspin (very consist rallying, and plenty of power).

Then one day, I decided to demo the nblade midplus and that was when I experienced what people had to say about bigger head sizes fitting extreme grips more. The midplus head allowed more string surface to brush up against, behind the ball. With the larger head, I noticed how the bottom edge of the frame wouldn't clip the ball as much as the mid did (I'm not really describing erratic mishit framing, but the occasional shot when you feel the edge catching a piece of the ball -- this shot for the most part is still a controlled shot in this case BTW).

Also, the nblade was perfect because it happens to be a larger headsized frame but unlike the Babolats that I had ruled out as unfit for my style. It's low power level enabled me to attain the ball control that I was looking for. So that's when I made the switch to the Nblade, when I noticed the improved benefits.

I then rethought lately, after reading some threads on here about the new Kblade Tour. I was thinking: "It's not really the fact of a Mid sized frame being smaller that inhibited the desired swing pattern/stroke style for people who use extreme grips. The size of the head wasn't what impaired the extreme swing style. It is the width of the hoop (from 3 to 9 oclock) that matters!"

So I bet that if my PS 85 were to remain 85 sqin, but with a change in the hoop, making the 3 & 9 wider (therefore shortening the throat to tip area), that I would have a frame that is perfect for me.

I am wondering:

Is the KBlade Tour the same width as the NBlade/KBlade Midplus 98? If so, (or if it happens to be wider than other midsizes) then I will consder demoing it.

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