Kick Serve - Toss


Where do pros with an american twist serve toss the ball, is it significantly behind them, or more over there head or what? I don't want to wreck my back, but tossing significantly behind me produces some crazy twist.. making the toss less behind me produces some more power but the crazy bounce and movement on the other serve is more effective.

So, should I change my contact point, to make my second serve more of an american twist, without throwing it so far back? Would it still be more effective? Where does Roddick or someone else who uses the american twist, toss it?

Pro's don't use American Twist serves, they are stupid and only done by 'show-off-ish' players. Pro's (like Roddick) use a kick serve, which is a combination of slice (respected by their true dominant hand) and topspin. Kick serve's correct toss should be behind you, and you should arch your back. When Kick serves are done properly and frequently they will usually result in back injuries of some kind.


Pro's don't use American Twist serves, they are stupid and only done by 'show-off-ish' players. Pro's (like Roddick) use a kick serve, which is a combination of slice (respected by their true dominant hand) and topspin. Kick serve's correct toss should be behind you, and you should arch your back. When Kick serves are done properly and frequently they will usually result in back injuries of some kind.

Maybe you and me have different interpretations of the american twist? Many pros use it, in the Lopez vs Federer USO match, Lopez used it to great effect.. i've seen Nalbandian hit a great american twist, also Roddick uses it...

American twist from my interpretation of it is what you mentioned... combination of slice and topspin, resulting in spinning towards the left and bouncing towards the right.
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