Kristy Alley



I use a Polar basic unit it only costs 40.00 I been using them since 1988. It would be the same driving a stick car without a tach. Are you shifting to early or to late you could shift be feel but thats not always right. This way I know how hard I can go for a distance. I learned how hard to push myself in many different sports over the past 20 years using one. I use it for squash , running, tennis and cycling and jumpe rope too.

Using it during tennis was funny one time. After winning a doubles match one of the players we beat was like. I don't mind losing but you keep looking at your watch for the time the whole match. It seemed like you wanted to beat us in a hurry like you had to be some where else. I said no I was checking my hr during the match.

If I can't get my hr up it is because my legs are tired. Or maybe my hr is really high for a speed because of the temp outside or because it's humid and I must take it lower or risk blowing up. It also gives me an average hr so I can compare it to my past rides at that distance. So I know if I am being lazy, tired or just hot out there. I will average 156-162 hr for 50 mile depending on the course that day for the club training ride with a average speed of 20mph.

I use to run the stairs in my health club with my clients up 9 floors. The first time I ran by myself without my hr unit what a mistake for a pb the first 6 floors way to fast then pooped at the top. It took my 30 mins to catch my breath that was a little scary. It must have been way over 206. I set a pr of 1min 42 sec with a hr of 183 the whole way up the next time wearing my hr unit.

I gone 206 in a cycling sprint. I didn't know if I was going to puke or do a #1 or #2 in my shorts or all three at the same time. I had to get off my bike and lay down and rest for 10 mins but then felt better. But that was nothing compared to running the stairs and unable to catch my breath for 30mins.



I agree all fat people are gross and have no respect for themselves and for other people who have to look at them.


Hall of Fame
he was so funny. woody wasnt bad but he was no coach. but kristy alley just mad me sad. i never thought she was that attractive but apparantly others did.

albino smurf

Now she can write a book about her battle with weight and capitalize again on being fat. She is a growth industry for real.


Hall of Fame
Now she can write a book about her battle with weight and capitalize again on being fat. She is a growth industry for real.

Yep - next it will be a book about how 'diets' don't really work, and how lifestyle changes can change your weight and life *forever*. Since she is so high visibility - it should sell like crazy, even though there are plenty of books on this topic already.