lead tape placement?


I have lead tape on the hoop of my racquet. I play with a pdr and have 1/4 inch wide strips on either side of the grommets. I noticed that a lot of pros, like james blake for example, use a 1/2 inch wide pieces of lead tape but put holes in the lead tape and put the grommets through the holes. Does either method have any advantages? which method do you use?

Bottle Rocket

Hall of Fame
The differences are not going to be noticable.

The reason it is like that on rackets most pro's use is beacuse someone other than the pro himself has setup the racket to be that way. Sometimes just a stringer and sometimes one of the cutom racket company's, like that place in New York.

If you string your own rackets, it is easy to put the lead around the grommets when you've got no strings in the frame. The disadantage of having the lead go around the grommets is that with strings in the frame it's a real pain to get the lead off.