Making racquets headlight...


Hall of Fame
How and where do I add lead tape to make my racquet more headlight? It is around 4 points head heavy but I want it to be about 8 head light. It is only 10 ounces so I wouldn't mind taking it to 12.


suggest you buy a 12oz frame instead. 2oz's is a very large change in the dynamics of a frame. if you wish to try you would just go to the learning center here and i think they have info on doing this? if not, there have been plenty of posts on this board about what to do. just do a search. you would need to use coins and/or fishing weight inside the handle/butt of the frame to accomplish this along w. some lead tape for final balance. ed


How HL do you want it?

I recommend that you put some lead under the grip to about +4 or 5 as a start and see if the racket feels stable. You won't be close to 12 oz at this point; maybe only 11.