Nadal interview


Hah that was a funny interview. Loved the fact that, despite him always trying to be politically correct, he couldn't hide his relief of not having to play Isner. Good one!


Hah that was a funny interview. Loved the fact that, despite him always trying to be politically correct, he couldn't hide his relief of not having to play Isner. Good one!

Lol, yeah, good on the interviewer that he got him to, more or less, answer the question.

Interesting also what he said of not thinking too much about that, because then if the player you don't want to play wins you get more nervous.

It has to be the most candid answer I've heard him to this kind of question.


Thanks for posting this Crisstti. He was doing his beamy smiley thing again and it's so good to see.

I like the way he's pushing back now against a lot of the media narrative like all the talk about him playing aggressive now as if he's never played aggressively in his life before, or that his success this year on hard courts is something so amazing - the guy does have two slams on hard plus an olympic gold medal and a bunch of 1000's. It's good to see him feeling so confident. :)