Nadal's forehand and Gasquet's backhand.....


Both great shots and from looking at their matches I can't help but draw similarities between them in terms of style. For one they are both really top spinny. They look alike despite one being forehand and the other a backhand. If only Gasquet had a smaller back swing then they would look even more alike. Comments?



One major difference - Gasquet's backhand is one of the most beautiful shots in tennis, while Nadal's forehand, well...

In their earlier encounters they were more impressive, I think:



One major difference - Gasquet's backhand is one of the most beautiful shots in tennis, while Nadal's forehand, well...

In their earlier encounters they were more impressive, I think:

But Nadal's forehand with the normal finish looks alright? No?



One major difference - Gasquet's backhand is one of the most beautiful shots in tennis, while Nadal's forehand, well...

In their earlier encounters they were more impressive, I think:

wait..are you suggesting Nadal's FH is anything other than aesthetically exquisite ?? the shape he gets on his FH, spinny or flat inside out, is gorgeous

though, to be clear, Gasquet's backhand is arguably the No. 1 shot that led to me falling in love with tennis


wait..are you suggesting Nadal's FH is anything other than aesthetically exquisite ?? the shape he gets on his FH, spinny or flat inside out, is gorgeous

though, to be clear, Gasquet's backhand is arguably the No. 1 shot that led to me falling in love with tennis

Gasquet's career makes me sad.


One major difference - Gasquet's backhand is one of the most beautiful shots in tennis, while Nadal's forehand, well...

In their earlier encounters they were more impressive, I think:

This is just too beautiful to watch. Tennis was in so good spot back then. Feel really bad for Gasquet.


So what if Gasquet's BH had the same fire as Nadal' FH? Who is going to plug that big hole in Gasquet's head. LOL, he was easy pickings for Nadal and co.

The Blond Blur

One major difference - Gasquet's backhand is one of the most beautiful shots in tennis, while Nadal's forehand, well...

In their earlier encounters they were more impressive, I think:

Federer and Nadal have very similar forehands in terms of technique :whistle: