Need Advice on a Back-up Racquet


I currently play with the Head LM4. I am a 3.0-3.5 rated player. I'm looking for a inexpensive back-up racquet. Anybody have any advice? Should I go with another LM4 or something else??? Thanks


New User
I always think it's a good idea to have a racket similar to your main racket. But if your underprivileged like me, you can just bargain hunt for what ever is a good deal. I currently play with the Gamma 340x Team (that i'm currently testing out) and my backup racket is actually the LM4 (that is my go to racket). 2 Totally different rackets but it helps me hone in on what I actually want more out of a racket.

fuzz nation

There's really no down-side to having the same frame as your backup, but I also think that this is a bigger priority for a player who is pursuing some more serious competition and can't afford to throw too many variables into the mix. One consideration with getting the same racquet is to maybe set it up with a slightly different string job if you prefer a slightly softer or firmer layout on different days. I actually enjoy having a racquet strung a few pounds looser for playing outside during the colder months.

As long as it doesn't create a serious distraction for you, it can also be fun to have something different in the bag. If the weight and balance of your backup isn't big-time different from your LM4, it shouldn't be too much of a chore to handle it and generate consistent contact. An alternative can be fun to have, but if the grip shape is different, the flex generates a different sort of performance, etc., it may be tricky to switch back and forth. Not a huge risk, but a possibility to be aware of when you shop another racquet.


Hall of Fame
Barnes68, look for a great condition used model that matches up with your main player. Used frames are generally really cheap.

As an example, I just checked the used frames on TW and theHead Liquidmetal 8 is from $49.00 to $59.00. Keep checking - they may get LM4's in any day as the inventory changes frequently
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