Need some suggestions for a racquet for my mom


My mom said that she wanted to get back into tennis. I think that she is going to try and get my dad to hit with her although she is afraid that he won't last. I told her that I would do a little research to see what might be some good racquets for her to demo. She's in her early 50's, I think that she's fairly athletic but probably not that strong, and she played a bit when she was younger. Anyone have any ideas of what might suit an older middle aged lady who has been out of the game for a while?


Hall of Fame
anything oversized and lightweight. just about any brand would work. i would not spend too much money on it in case she burns out and doesn't stick with it. if she does for a few months and starts improving and likes to play, then i would upgrade to something a little more specific to her style.


New User
Dunlop M-fil 700 or 800,there are low price deals for them. I got my girlfriend a Prince O3 Blue and she really likes it; lightweight, powerful, and oversized. If I had to do it all over again I would have opted for the lower priced Dunlops though.


New User
Dunlop M-fil 700 or 800,there are low price deals for them. I got my girlfriend a Prince O3 Blue and she really likes it; lightweight, powerful, and oversized. If I had to do it all over again I would have opted for the lower priced Dunlops though.

Speaking of the Dunlop M-Fil 800. I just got my girlfriend that racquet as she is starting out. Does anyone know anything about this racquet? The only thing I can find about it is in Europe. It's like they never launched it in th States, thus the great deal on the unused demos. Anyway, looks like a solid beginner racquet for her.