Non-GMO Benefits. Fact or Fiction?


There has been a lot of talk on both sides about possible benefits of non-GMO food. Non-GMO's include organically grown fruits and vegetables, grass-fed cattle, and wild caught fish. Some say there is evidence of long-term harmful effects of GMO's while others say there is no benefit to spending extra money for non-GMO products. It's also hard to tell if the people writing the articles have their own self interests in mind. Thoughts?


Hall of Fame
There is a greater interest from Big Agriculture to discredit the Non-GMO movement. There is a lot at stake for them. Lets keep it simple wouldn't take a bottle of RAID or Roundup and spray a little in your mouth every time you ate would you? Genetically Modified foods contain toxins (BT Toxins), chemicals, and pesticides that eventually get passed on to you. In fact, the pests are even getting around the GMO'd foods and thus farmers are having to spray more and more on top of the GMO foods to keep the pests off. You're getting double the amount of pesticides you think. The only argument is if the human body can flush and process these toxins without effect to your health. I'm not willing to take that chance and by the time science catches up, it will be too late for you.


I don't think we have sufficient evidence to make a judgement.

And beyond that, it is probably wrong to group all GMO into the same basket. GMO most likely will need to be assessed on a case-by-case basis.

I think people should be free to choose what they want and food should be honestly labeled.

It irks me when the pro-GMO people scream "science" when no controlled studies have been performed on some of the novel genetic changes to common foods. Especially, when some of these same people want to tell me what I can eat or what drugs I can consume. But I'm sort of going off topic.


It irks me when the pro-GMO people scream "science" when no controlled studies have been performed on some of the novel genetic changes to common foods. Especially, when some of these same people want to tell me what I can eat or what drugs I can consume. But I'm sort of going off topic.

That's not off-topic at all. Unfortunately, I think politics and money too often take priority over protecting citizens and doing what it right. That goes for a lot of things, and it's one of the biggest reasons this topic is such a mystery. Right now, I can't believe any kind of science that is somehow connected to the government or big corporations. There is too much money at stake for companies to take this lying down. They will do whatever they can to protect their business.



There you go! These guys get money from the USDA of all places. So the government is getting into our food supply and telling us what's good to eat. This comes from the same government that tells us you can't get Ebola from sitting next to someone in a bus, but when asked why a nurse got Ebola from a patient, they go into how she might have rubbed up against something that the patient touched. You can't believe the science anymore!