Prince's Twaron and Textreme Offerings, a Bit Confusing?

louis netman

Hall of Fame
I've read that Prince's older textreme frames were to have Twaron incorporated into their newer layups. However, the lineup has been a bit confusing. Can anyone shed some light on their lineup?

I'm seeking Twaron in 55-59 RA, 100"-107" HS, 18 mains... Thanks in advance!


All the new Phantoms have twaron in them. Anything with ATS will have Twaron.

Additionally any of the Textreme tours will have twaron if they are listed as having textreme X. But they will all be stiffer than your request. Likely the new Phantom 100P would suit your request.

louis netman

Hall of Fame
Thx. I'm currently hitting with a slightly modded HEAD Satellite Tour (circa 1996, RA 54) and lovin it. Will I be disappointed?
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Thx. I'm currently hitting with a slightly modded HEAD Satellite Tour (circa 1996, RA 54) and lovin it. Will I be disappointed?

Not too many of us remember what we had for breakfast, let alone a racket we may have tried 25 years ago.

I was always a Prince and Wilson guy, So i've got little experience with Head frames. Can't help you with that. But I suspect that by looking at the Specs you might not be too disappointed with a Phantom 100P or a Textreme Tour 100P. Really hard to be sure.