Pronation?...i Dont Get It!!!!


New User
i've heard that pronation is suppose to happen this true? When I perform a flat serve, I pronate by having a "thumbs down" position when i finish my serve but it isnt natural. Am i serving correctly?
Pronating is more than just your thumb pointing down. However the thumb pointing down is a good visual cue to how pronation ends. To achieve that position, just after contact keep your elbow in its high position and use your shoulder and upper arm to rotate your elbow until your thumb points down. Don't rotate your wrist. As you're rotating the elbow up the tip of your elbow should remain at its apex. At that point you can start to drop your lower arm then your elbow and complete your follow through.

If you didn't have pronation your arm would want to bend in its opposite direction which is a cause of tennis elbow.

Here a link on You Tube.
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