Question about ALU/RPM Setup?


New User
I wanted to know what you guys think about this particular hybrid setup: Babolat RPM 16 Mains and Luxilon ALU Rough Crosses. I know that RPMs don't have the best durability but I'm still willing to use it as my mains, considering how it took me a few months to pop a full RPM string bed.

With this setup, I'm aiming for a string bed that is spin oriented, hence the preference of the RPMs, but also to get extra power, coming from the ALUs. So what do you guys think, is this setup acceptable?
Sounds interesting the textured surface of the ALU rough will also help with the spin, you should definitely get a lot of power and spin. What tensions were you thinking about using?


Hall of Fame
I would probably just pick one or the other. Maybe you thing the RPM a little looser if you are looking for more pop.