Questions for those who have had SLAP tear surgery?


New User
Over the last few years, my shoulder pain got worse and I was finally diagnosed with both a SLAP tear and Bankart lesion in my right shoulder. SLAP tear, as those of you who have had it are aware, is a tear in the upper half of the labrum in your shoulder. A Bankart lesion is a similar tear, but in the bottom half of the labrum. Had surgery on July 7, 2011 to fix both. So I am now just a bit over 8 weeks. However, although the shoulder is beginning to feel better, more stable, and I can move it more. There is still a lot achiness, particularly in the mornings, around the front near the upper bicep tendons. Some of this might be from the physical therapy I have been going through, and some might be still from the surgery because the tissues are still healing. For those who have had this similar shoulder surgery,

1. How long was your full recovery until you could play again and particularly serve?

2. How long did it take until the achiness went away in your shoulder?

Any comments appreciated.



New User
I have had SLAP tear surgery which also included a reverse bankart tear and a capsular shift. My surgery was 11/13/08. At about 4 months I started hitting the large foam balls that kids use on a backboard and fairly quickly moved to real balls on a ball machine. I started serving at about 5 months. I was playing matches by 6 months. However, I continued to have pain and struggled to regain full ROM. I played competitively (4.5 level) but ended up having another surgery almost exactly a year later to release the capsule and free up range of motion. After that surgery I think I came back a with about the same timeline. Maybe a week or two slower to be safe. Using the foam balls allowed me to hit a little before I could have with real balls and my doctor was ok with it because of the limited impact.
To be honest with you, that shoulder stil hurts but I've learned how to adjust my serve. As for the achiness after surgery, it takes a few months for sure and even longer once you start hitting. I would say 6 months before you're not reminded that you've had surgery and actually forget. Let me know if you have other questions. To encourage you, even though my serve has changed, I'm a better player than I was 2 years ago so it's not career ending by any means. You do have to commit to work VERY hard at rehab.


New User
I think you are looking at 6-9 month to play decently, but as for achiness it really depends on a lot of things.

If you really have a SLAP tear and bicep anchor is detached, talk to your surgeon about bicep tenodesis. A lot of overhead athletes have issues at the bicep insertion after SLAP ( pain and bicep tendonits). In my case it never healed and I ended up with tenodesis. Today was exactly 3 month post op after tenodesis and while I have not served yet, I am beating the guys I am supposed to beat in doubles and even hitting some overheads (my partner served for me).

Tenodesis does take away the continues pressure on the labrum from bicep tendon and recent studies indicate better outcomes for overhead athletes.

also check out for a lot experiences on SLAP tear.